Have you ever heard someone talk about being more mindful?  Or becoming a more mindful parent?  I remember hearing that term and thinking it meant to make sure I knew what my kids were doing, as in “Be more mindful of where your kids are.”

The truth is that the concept of mindful parenting is so much more.  It’s about being fully present in each moment, paying attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgment. 

It’s about managing your emotions so that you’re bringing your best self to work and at home.  It’s not about doing more or being perfect; it’s about doing things with intention and being present in the midst of the chaos.

It acknowledges that we all have good and bad days, and that’s okay.  It requires practice, and like any skill, some days are smoother than others. 

If you momentarily lose focus, that’s okay – it’s an opportunity to choose presence.

In essence, mindful parenting involves consciously directing your attention to the present moment rather than being overwhelmed by emotions. It’s a practice of releasing guilt and shame tied to the past, emphasizing the importance of the now. 

With mindful parenting, acceptance becomes a key element – acknowledging and understanding the current situation rather than attempting to alter or avoid it.

As a mindful parent, you tune into your emotions without expecting to not feel anger or frustration every once in a while. It’s natural to experience these emotions, but the key lies in avoiding mindless reactions that might compromise effective parenting. 

By staying aware of your feelings, you empower yourself to respond thoughtfully and intentionally, fostering a more connected and harmonious relationship with your child.

The truth is that balancing work and family is not just a personal struggle; it affects the well-being of the whole family. When moms are stressed and stretched too thin, it can impact our relationships with our partners and children. 

Mindful parenting offers a way to navigate these challenges, helping us find a sense of peace and fulfillment in both our professional and family roles.

As we all know, as working moms, we wear many hats – the career woman, the loving mom, the supportive partner. Mindful parenting doesn’t ask you to put one hat down for the other; instead, it invites you to wear them all with intention and presence. 

This week I’m going to discuss the concept of mindfulness, integrating mindfulness into your daily routine, and creating a mindful environment.  


The concept of mindfulness


Let’s start by talking about the concept of mindfulness.  The truth is that mindfulness isn’t something you need to go to a yoga studio or a meditation retreat for.

Mindfulness is simply turning on a spotlight in your mind. It’s about being fully aware of what’s happening in the present moment. 

For example, imagine you’re enjoying a meal. Instead of letting your thoughts run wild about work or what’s for dessert, mindfulness invites you to savor each bite, appreciating the flavors, textures, and the simple joy of eating. 

It’s about bringing your attention to the here and now without getting tangled in worries about the past or future.

For parents, mindfulness means being there for your kids with your whole heart and attention. It’s about putting down the mental checklist, stepping away from the distractions, and truly engaging with your child. 

When you’re mindful, you’re not just physically present; you’re mentally and emotionally present too. It’s like giving your child the gift of your undivided attention, making them feel valued and heard.

Thankfully, there are many benefits of mindful parenting, and the first is reduced stress.  As we know all too well, parenting can be a rollercoaster, and stress is often an uninvited passenger. 

Mindful parenting offers a seatbelt for that rollercoaster ride. When you practice mindfulness, you learn to ride the ups and downs without feeling tossed around. 

By staying present and focused, you can navigate challenges with more ease, reducing the stress that often comes with the unpredictable twists of parenthood.

It also improves your emotional well-being.  Here’s the thing – our emotions are like the weather – constantly changing. Mindful parenting is like having an umbrella when it rains and sunglasses when it’s sunny. 

It’s not about controlling the weather but learning to adapt to it. When you’re mindful, you become more aware of your emotions and can respond to them in a way that supports your well-being. This emotional awareness helps create a positive atmosphere at home, benefiting both you and your children.

Lastly, it also helps enhance the parent-child relationship.  For example, imagine building a sturdy bridge between you and your child. Mindfulness is the foundation of that bridge. When you’re fully present with your child, it strengthens your connection. 

Your child feels seen and understood, fostering trust and open communication. By embracing the present moment together, you create lasting memories and a foundation for a healthy parent-child relationship.

In the journey of mindful parenting, it’s not about being perfect; it’s about progress. As you integrate mindfulness into your parenting toolkit, you’ll find that these benefits not only transform your experience but also shape a more harmonious and connected family life. 


Integrating mindfulness into your daily routine


While we are all short on time, especially in the morning, I suggest that the first place to practice mindfulness is in the morning.  Mornings are like the opening act of your day’s play, setting the tone for what’s to come. 

Mindful parenting begins with simple practices that weave mindfulness into your daily routine.

The first practice is mindful breathing exercises.  For example, just imagine your breath as a gentle wave – it goes in, it goes out. Taking a few moments for mindful breathing can be your daily dose of calm. 

As you breathe in, feel your chest rise; as you breathe out, let the tension melt away. It’s like giving your mind a refreshing sip of tea before the busyness of the day begins.

The second practice is setting positive intentions for the day.  Before the whirlwind starts, take a moment to set positive intentions. Think of it as planning the script for your day’s scenes. 

What energy do you want to bring to your work and family? What would be the most helpful emotions to feel today?  Being intentional is like creating a roadmap for a smoother trip through the day’s twists and turns.

The third practice is mindful moments at work.  For many of us working moms, the workplace is like a second home. Mindfulness can make your workdays more manageable and even enjoyable.

For example, when the emails pile up and meetings are taking over your calendar, take a moment to ground yourself. Focus on your breath, observe the surroundings, and gently bring your mind back from any distractions.  

Another helpful practice for mindfulness at work is learning to balance work tasks mindfully.  Work tasks are like puzzle pieces – each important, but fitting them together can be tricky. 

Mindful balancing means approaching each task with full attention, like a chef carefully measuring ingredients. Prioritize tasks, break them into manageable chunks, and savor the satisfaction of completing each piece. 

This mindful approach not only boosts productivity but also adds a sprinkle of calm to your work routine.

The last practice to integrate mindfulness into your daily routine is transitioning to family time.  As the workday comes to an end, transitioning to family time requires a mindful shift from one role to another.

The first step is mindful arrival home.  Begin by picturing your arrival home as a sacred moment. 

Take a few minutes before entering to transition from work to family mode. Leave work stress at the doorstep like an umbrella on a rainy day. It’s a small but powerful practice that ensures you step into your home with a present and open heart.

Or if you work from home, making the transition from work mode to family mode is also important.  Before getting up from your computer and slipping into mom mode, give yourself 15 minutes of calm time.

When my kids were younger, I would get to their school 20 minutes early, put the seat back in my car, and relax.  This time often turned into a power nap, but it helped me to detach from work so that I was able to hit the reset button.

The next step is embracing quality over quantity when it comes to making the most of your family time.  It’s not about the minutes on the clock but the moments you share. 

Put away distractions, be fully present with your kids, and make those moments count. It’s like collecting treasures – the shared laughter, the bedtime stories – that build a strong family foundation.

As we weave mindfulness into our daily lives, these practices become the threads that bind us to the present, making each moment richer and more meaningful. 


Creating a mindful environment


In addition to integrating mindfulness into your daily routine, it’s also important to create a mindful environment.  The truth is that your home is like a sanctuary.  I like to say that it’s a soft place for everyone to fall.

Creating a mindful environment starts with designing a calming home space. Think of it as setting the stage for a play – you want the backdrop to be soothing.

Here are some suggestions for creating a mindful environment:

Declutter and Simplify: Just like clearing the stage of unnecessary props, decluttering your home creates a sense of calm. Donate or organize items that no longer serve a purpose, making room for positive energy to flow.

Cozy Corners: Imagine creating cozy nooks in your home, like reading corners or meditation spaces.  In your home, these areas become retreats where you can unwind, fostering a sense of tranquility amidst the daily hustle.  Ever since I was a young girl, I’ve always been drawn to cozy corners, especially as an introvert.  I still always look for ways to create cozy corners in my home or when I’m traveling.

The next thing to consider is incorporating mindful activities as a family.  This is not all on your shoulders.  Mindfulness is a family affair. 

Begin to look for ways to infuse mindfulness activities that bring everyone together, creating moments of shared presence.

Here are some examples:

Mindful Meals: Turn mealtime into a mindful ritual. Gather as a family, put away screens, and savor each bite. It’s not just about the food; it’s about connecting with one another and appreciating the simple joy of sharing a meal.

Nature Adventures: Whether it’s a walk in the park, a backyard treasure hunt, or moments spent around a fire pit, spending time in nature encourages mindfulness. Listen to the birds, feel the breeze, and let the beauty of the outdoors anchor your family in the present moment.  My kid’s most fond memories were being upstate at my parent’s trailer on a lake and sitting around the fire or in the hammock.

Besides your participation in mindful parenting, it’s also important to encourage mindfulness in your children.  The interesting thing is that children are natural explorers of the present moment, and nurturing their innate mindfulness can be a great way to connect.

Here are some examples:

Mindful Play: Playtime becomes a mindful adventure when children engage their senses. Encourage activities that involve touch, smell, and sound. It could be playing with sensory materials like playdough or simply exploring nature with curious eyes.

Breathing Buddies: Introduce simple breathing exercises in a playful way. Invite your child to lie down with a stuffed animal on their belly. As they breathe in and out, the stuffed animal rises and falls. It’s a fun way for them to experience the calming power of mindful breathing.

Hopefully, you can now see that as you design your home space, engage in mindful activities, and encourage mindfulness in your children, you’re weaving a tapestry of connection and peace. It’s not about having a perfect home; it’s about making intentional choices that nurture a mindful and harmonious family life. 




As a mindful parent, you tune into your emotions without expecting to not feel anger or frustration every once in a while.

It’s about managing your emotions so that you’re bringing your best self to work and at home.