If you’re anything like the accountant moms I work with, you’re probably juggling a million things at once – from work deadlines to soccer practice pickups and everything in between. It’s like we’re the CEOs of our households, right? 

But here’s the thing – no matter how organized we try to be, there’s always that nagging feeling that we could be doing better, managing our time more effectively.

But if you were intrigued or confused by the title of this episode, thinking, “What does self-confidence have to do with time management?” Well, let me tell you—it has everything to do with it. 

For example, let’s say you have a big presentation at work coming up, and you’re feeling less than confident about it. You spend hours second-guessing yourself, tweaking every detail, and stressing about whether you’ll measure up to your colleagues’ expectations. 

Meanwhile, the laundry piles up, dinner remains unplanned, and the kids are wondering why you’re always glued to your laptop.

Sound familiar? It’s a scenario that many of us working moms find ourselves in more often than we’d like to admit. 

The thing is, when our self-confidence takes a hit, it affects every aspect of our lives – including how we manage our time. We start doubting our abilities, procrastinating on important tasks, and prioritizing other people’s needs over our own. 

Before we know it, our to-do lists have spiraled out of control, and we’re left feeling overwhelmed and defeated.

But here’s the good news – recognizing the link between self-confidence and time management is the first step towards reclaiming control of your schedule and your sanity. By understanding how your mindset impacts your productivity, you can start implementing strategies to boost your self-confidence and, in turn, improve your time management skills.

This week I’m going to discuss how your self-confidence is affecting your time management and strategies to help you improve both.


How your self-confidence is affecting your time management

As working moms, we’re no strangers to the struggle of balancing career, family, and personal life. Our days are packed from sunrise to sundown with meetings, deadlines, school runs, grocery shopping, meal prep – you name it. 

But here’s the problem – despite our best efforts, many of us find ourselves falling short when it comes to managing our time effectively. We set ambitious goals, create color-coded schedules, and download every productivity app under the sun, only to end up feeling like we’re drowning in a sea of unfinished tasks and missed opportunities.

So, what’s the deal? Why do we struggle so much to stay on top of our to-do lists and make the most of our precious time? The answer, my friends, lies in the often-overlooked factor of self-confidence.

You see, self-confidence isn’t just about believing in our abilities or feeling good about ourselves – it’s the driving force behind our actions and decisions. It’s what gives us the courage to say no, speak up in meetings, and set and stick to boundaries. 

And when our self-confidence is running low, it can wreak havoc on our ability to manage our time effectively.

Here are some common ways in which low self-confidence can sabotage our time management efforts:

Procrastination – Ever find yourself putting off important tasks because you’re afraid of failing or making mistakes? It’s very common for us as accountant moms. When we lack confidence in our abilities, we’re more likely to procrastinate on tasks that require us to step out of our comfort zones. Instead of tackling them head-on, we find excuses to delay action – “I’ll do it later,” we tell ourselves, knowing full well that later never seems to come.

Perfectionism – Raise your hand if you’re a recovering perfectionist.  There’s no shame because as accountants, we are trained to be perfectionists.  The issue is that when we’re constantly striving for perfection, we set impossibly high standards for ourselves and become hyper-critical of our work. We second-guess every decision, obsess over minor details, and waste precious time trying to achieve an unattainable level of excellence. And guess what? It’s exhausting – not to mention counterproductive.

Overcommitment – As working moms, we’re notorious for taking on more than we can handle. Whether it’s volunteering for yet another school fundraiser or agreeing to chair a committee at work, we have a hard time saying no – even when our plates are already overflowing. Why? Because deep down, we worry that if we don’t do it all, we’ll be seen as incompetent or inadequate. So, we say yes to everything, spread ourselves thin, and end up feeling overwhelmed and burnt out.

Comparison – Thanks to social media, it’s easier than ever to fall into the comparison trap. We scroll through Instagram and Facebook, comparing our messy kitchens and sleep-deprived selfies to the curated feeds of other moms who seem to have it all together. And what happens? We feel like we’re falling short – like we’re not good enough, smart enough, or successful enough to measure up. And as a result, we waste valuable time and energy trying to live up to impossible standards, instead of focusing on what truly matters to us.

Negative self-talk: Ah, the inner critic – we all have one. It’s that voice in our heads that whispers, “You’re not good enough,” “You’ll never succeed,” “Who do you think you are?” And the more we listen to it, the more power it gains over us. We start to believe the lies it tells us, and before we know it, we’re paralyzed by fear and self-doubt. We play it safe, stay in our comfort zones, and miss out on opportunities for growth and success.

Now, I don’t know about you, but all of these are challenges that I’ve struggled with – and continue to struggle with – on a daily basis. And I’m willing to bet that I’m not alone. So, what’s the solution? How can we overcome the self-confidence roadblocks that are holding us back from managing our time effectively?  That’s what I’m going to share next – the strategies and techniques for boosting our self-confidence and reclaiming control of our schedules.


Strategies to help you improve your self-confidence and your time management


To boost your self-confidence and reclaim control of your schedule, here are some suggestions:

Practice Self-Compassion – first things first – cut yourself some slack. You’re doing the best you can with the resources you have, and that’s something to be proud of. Instead of beating yourself up for every little mistake or perceived failure, practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend in need. 

For example, let’s say you made a mistake on a project at work that resulted in some setbacks. Instead of berating yourself for the error, acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes and remind yourself that it’s an opportunity to learn and grow. Give yourself permission to move on from the mistake and focus on finding solutions to rectify the situation, rather than dwelling on what went wrong.

Bottom line: Practicing self-compassion frees up mental energy that can be redirected towards productive tasks, rather than getting stuck in a cycle of self-criticism and rumination. As a result, you’re better able to focus on the present moment and make efficient use of your time. 

Challenge Your Inner Critic – that pesky inner critic loves to rear its ugly head at the most inconvenient times, doesn’t it? Well, it’s time to show it who’s boss. Whenever you catch yourself engaging in negative self-talk, challenge those thoughts with evidence to the contrary. Ask yourself, “Is this really true? What evidence do I have to support this belief?” More often than not, you’ll find that your inner critic is a liar – and once you prove it wrong, you’ll feel a whole lot lighter.

The truth is that by challenging negative self-talk and replacing it with more positive and empowering thoughts, you cultivate a mindset of self-belief and confidence. This can help you overcome the fear of failure or inadequacy that often leads to procrastination and time-wasting behaviors. 

Bottom line: Instead of second-guessing yourself, you’ll be more inclined to take decisive action and make the most of your time.

Set Realistic Goals – if you’ve ever set unrealistic goals for yourself, you’re not alone.  We’ve all done it.   But here’s the thing – when we set the bar impossibly high, we’re setting ourselves up for failure. Instead of aiming for perfection, set realistic, achievable goals that align with your values and priorities. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks, and celebrate your progress along the way. Remember, progress – not perfection – is the name of the game.

For example, setting realistic goals helps you prioritize your tasks and allocate your time and resources more effectively. By breaking larger goals down into smaller, actionable steps, you create a roadmap for success that keeps you focused and motivated. 

Bottom line: This prevents overwhelm and allows you to make steady progress towards your objectives, rather than feeling paralyzed by the enormity of the task at hand.

Focus on Your Strengths – we all have our areas of expertise – those things we excel at without even breaking a sweat. So why waste time and energy trying to be good at everything? Instead, focus on your strengths and, when you can, delegate or outsource tasks that fall outside your wheelhouse. Whether it’s hiring a house cleaner, enlisting the help of a virtual assistant, or leaning on your partner for support, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. You’ll free up more time and energy to devote to the things that truly matter to you.

For example, during tax season, when my time was limited, I called my daughter and said, “Mommy needs a personal assistant.  I need you to find me a new general practitioner, gynecologist, and urologist that takes my insurance so that I can get back to work and do what I do best.”  Her strengths are doing research, my strengths are getting tax returns done.   

Bottom line: focusing on your strengths frees you up to concentrate on the activities that bring you the most fulfillment and value, rather than getting bogged down in areas where you may struggle.

Practice Self-Care – as working moms, we’re experts at taking care of everyone else’s needs – but what about our own? It’s time to prioritize self-care and make ourselves a priority for a change. Whether it’s carving out time for a bubble bath, going for a walk in nature, or indulging in your favorite hobby, make time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup – so fill yours up first, and watch as your self-confidence and productivity soar.

The truth is that prioritizing self-care is essential for maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional well-being – all of which are critical components of effective time management. When you’re well-rested, nourished, and balanced, you have more energy and resilience to tackle your daily responsibilities with clarity and focus. 

Bottom Line: Self-care activities also provide much-needed breaks and opportunities for rejuvenation, preventing burnout and helping you maintain a sustainable pace over the long term.

Surround Yourself with Support – they say it takes a village to raise a child – and the same goes for boosting your self-confidence and mastering time management. Surround yourself with supportive friends, family members, and mentors who believe in you and cheer you on every step of the way. Seek out like-minded communities – whether it’s a local moms’ group, an online forum like the CPA MOMS private Facebook group, or a mastermind group – where you can connect with others who are on a similar journey. Together, you’ll find strength in numbers and encouragement in shared experiences.

The truth is that having a strong support network boosts your confidence and provides encouragement and accountability as you work towards your goals. By surrounding yourself with people who believe in you and your abilities, you’re more likely to stay motivated and committed to managing your time effectively. 

Bottom line: You can benefit from the insights, advice, and perspective of others, helping you overcome challenges and identify opportunities for growth.

Celebrate Your Wins – last but not least, take time to celebrate your wins – no matter how small they may seem. Did you tackle that daunting project at work? Celebrate it. Did you make it through the day without losing your cool? Celebrate it. Did you finally conquer that pile of laundry that’s been taunting you for weeks? Celebrate it – with a victory dance, a fist pump, or a well-deserved treat. By acknowledging and celebrating your achievements, you’ll build momentum and confidence to tackle whatever challenges come your way.

The truth is that celebrating your achievements – no matter how small – reinforces positive behavior and builds momentum towards your goals. When you acknowledge your progress and accomplishments, you feel a sense of pride and satisfaction that motivates you to keep moving forward. 

Bottom line: This positive reinforcement strengthens your self-confidence and resilience, making it easier to stay focused and productive in the face of setbacks or challenges.

So there you have it – a roadmap for boosting your self-confidence and mastering time management like a boss. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your self-confidence. 

But I promise that with persistence, patience, and a healthy dose of self-love, you’ll be well on your way to reclaiming control of your time – and your life. You’ve got this.




Recognizing the link between self-confidence and time management is the first step towards reclaiming control of your schedule and your sanity. 

By understanding how your mindset impacts your productivity, you can start implementing strategies to boost your self-confidence and, in turn, improve your time management skills.