Minding And Bridging The Gap

Minding And Bridging The Gap

https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/cpa-moms-coach/110_-_Minding_And_Bridging_The_Gap.mp3 If you’ve ever taken a train, there is often a reminder written on the platform, or a recorded message, telling you to “mind the gap”, ensuring your safety as you take a step off...
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Dealing With Boredom

Dealing With Boredom

https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/cpa-moms-coach/109_-_Dealing_With_Boredom.mp3 As a podcast for busy accountant moms, you might think the topic of boredom would be irrelevant since you are probably living a hectic life and trying to balance your career with being a...
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