It’s that time of year when it seems like our kids are involved in more extracurricular activities than ever, so I think it’s important to discuss balancing work with all the extra things going on. 

Between managing work deadlines, keeping the house from descending into chaos, and making sure the kids are fed, clothed, and (somewhat) civilized, it sometimes feels like there just aren’t enough hours in the day. And as if that weren’t enough, one more thing adds an extra layer of complexity to the mix: kids’ extracurricular activities.

Maybe you can relate – soccer practice on Mondays, piano lessons on Wednesdays, ballet on Fridays, and don’t forget about the science fair project that’s due next week. It’s a never-ending whirlwind of rehearsals, recitals, games, and competitions, all of which seem to require your presence, your time, and your energy. 

And while you wouldn’t trade these experiences for anything in the world – after all, seeing the joy on your child’s face as they score their first goal or play their first recital piece is priceless – it can also be utterly exhausting.

But here’s the thing: it’s not just about shuttling our kids from one activity to the next or making sure they have clean uniforms and packed lunches. It’s about finding a way to balance their extracurricular pursuits with our own professional responsibilities without sacrificing either one in the process. 

And let me tell you, my friends, it’s no easy feat.  Although my kids are older, I had many times when I had a deadline that just so happened to coincide with my daughter’s travel soccer schedule or my son’s karate lessons. 

There were many frantic moments, scrambling to rearrange my schedule, delegating tasks to my ex-husband, and maybe, just maybe, squeezing in a quick review of a tax return between cheering on the sidelines.  Those were chaotic times, to say the least.

And it’s not just the logistical challenges that make balancing work and kids’ extracurricular activities such a daunting task. There’s also the guilt that creeps in every time we have to choose between attending a soccer game or staying late at the office to meet a deadline. 

We worry that we’re letting our kids down by not being there for every practice, every performance, every milestone. But we also worry that we’re letting our employers down by not being fully present and focused on our work.

So, if you’ve ever found yourself caught in this never-ending tug-of-war between work and family, know that you’re not alone. And while I don’t have all the answers (trust me, if I did, I’d share them in a heartbeat), I do believe that together, we can figure this out. 

This week I’m going to discuss the overwhelming reality and practical tips for balancing work and kids’ extracurricular activities.


The overwhelming reality

So, what’s on your plate with trying to balance work and kids’ extracurricular activities?  Do you have Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, baseball, lacrosse, cheer, band practice, or academic clubs that your kids are involved in?

While we want our children to have well-rounded lives, it can be incredibly overwhelming to make it all work, especially with an accounting career thrown in the mix.  Scheduling conflicts are like unwelcome guests who just won’t leave. 

Maybe you’re familiar with the feeling of frustration when you realize that your important client meeting coincides with your daughter’s school play, and you’re left scrambling to figure out how to be in two places at once. And while you’re desperately trying to find a solution – whether it’s enlisting the help of your partner, calling in favors from friends, or resorting to some serious calendar Tetris – the stress of it all can feel suffocating.

This is when time management becomes a game of survival, with each day feeling like a mad dash to the finish line. You’re constantly juggling a dozen different tasks, from answering work emails to chauffeuring your kids to their various activities to somehow finding time to throw together a semi-nutritious dinner. 

It’s a never-ending cycle of chaos and exhaustion, with no end in sight.

But as I said before, I think the most challenging aspect of all is the guilt – that relentless voice in the back of your mind that tells you you’re not doing enough, that you’re failing both as a parent and as a professional. 

If you’re anything like me and the accountant moms I have the privilege to coach, you probably worry that by prioritizing your career, you’re neglecting your kids, but at the same time, you fear that by taking time away from work, you’re jeopardizing your job security and financial stability.

And let’s not forget about the toll this constant juggling act takes on your mental health and well-being. The stress, the anxiety, the sleepless nights spent worrying about whether you’re making the right choices for your family – it can feel like a heavy weight pressing down on your shoulders, threatening to crush you beneath its burden.

But here’s what I most want you to know – you’re not alone in this struggle. There are countless other working moms out there who are grappling with the same challenges, facing the same obstacles, and feeling the same pressures. And while there’s no easy solution to the balancing act of work and kids’ activities, there are steps you can take to make it a little bit easier on yourself.

So take a deep breath and remember – you’ve got this. You’re stronger than you think, and you have the power to find calm in the midst of chaos. 

And who knows? Maybe, just maybe, you’ll discover that the key to balancing work and family lies not in doing it all but in finding moments of joy and connection in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.


Practical tips for balancing work and kids’ extracurricular activities


So, we’ve talked about the chaos of trying to juggle work and your kids’ extracurriculars, and trust me, I get it – it’s enough to make even the most organized among us want to pull our hair out. But now let’s talk about some practical tips and strategies that might just make life a little bit easier for you.

First things first, let’s talk about priorities. When it comes to your kids’ activities, it’s important to remember that you can’t do it all. 

So, sit down with your family and figure out which activities are the most important to your kids and fit best with your family’s schedule. Maybe your daughter is passionate about soccer, but she’s less enthusiastic about dance – in that case, it might make sense to prioritize soccer and let dance take a backseat for now.

When my kids were younger, I would let them focus on one extracurricular activity at a time.  Depending on the time of year, they got to choose one thing and they had to stick with it for that season.

This helped them take some ownership in the decision and understand the commitment involved. If they wanted to try something new, they had to know that they weren’t backing out when it got challenging or boring.

Next up, let’s talk tech. We live in the digital age, so why not take advantage of it? Use shared calendars and scheduling apps to keep track of all your family’s commitments in one place. That way, you’ll never have to worry about double-booking yourself or missing an important event again.

I just did an entire episode on delegation and why it can be so challenging for women, but just know that you don’t have to do everything all on your own. Delegate tasks and responsibilities to your partner, family members, or trusted caregivers. 

Whether it’s carpool duty, grocery shopping, or helping with homework, there’s no shame in asking for help when you need it. Trust me, you’ll be amazed at how much lighter your load feels when you’re not trying to do everything yourself.

For example, one of my coaching clients is a working mom with two young children and a demanding job.  She often found herself overwhelmed with trying to manage everything on her own – from cooking dinner to helping with homework to keeping up with her professional responsibilities.

During one of our coaching sessions, she expressed her frustration with feeling like she had to do it all by herself. She felt guilty asking for help and worried that people would think she was incapable or incompetent if she couldn’t handle everything on her own.

We worked on her being able to delegate and to consider how sharing responsibilities with her partner, family members, or babysitters could lighten her load and improve her overall well-being.

Together, we identified specific tasks that she could delegate, such as grocery shopping, meal prep, and carpool duty. We also worked on overcoming her feelings of guilt by reframing delegation as a sign of strength rather than weakness.

Over time, she began implementing these strategies, gradually giving up control over certain tasks and allowing others to take on more responsibility. As a result, she noticed a significant decrease in her stress levels and an increase in her overall happiness and satisfaction with her life.

She realized that by asking for help when she needed it, she wasn’t admitting defeat – she was simply recognizing her own limitations and prioritizing her own well-being. It made it possible for her to balance work and her kids’ extracurricular activities without being stressed or overwhelmed with either.  

The third thing to focus on is setting boundaries and saying no. I know, I know – it’s easier said than done. But trust me, saying no to that PTA bake sale or that last-minute work project isn’t a sign of weakness – it’s a sign of strength. 

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup, so prioritize your own well-being, and don’t be afraid to put yourself first every once in a while.

And speaking of well-being, the fourth strategy is to not forget about self-care, especially when you’re being pulled in a million different directions.  Your sanity is incredibly important for everyone involved.

So, whether it’s a bubble bath, a yoga class, or just a few minutes of quiet time with a good book, make sure to carve out some time for yourself each day.  Your kid’s happiness is important, but so is yours.

And the fifth and final strategy is to reach out to other working moms for support, whether it’s through online communities like the private CPA MOMS Facebook group, local parent groups, a book club, or just a good old-fashioned chat over coffee. Together, we can lift each other up, share our struggles and triumphs, and remind each other that we’re all in this together.

So hang in there and remember – with a little bit of planning, a whole lot of prioritizing, and a healthy dose of self-care, you really can find harmony between your career and your role as a mom. You’ve got this!




It’s not just about shuttling our kids from one activity to the next or making sure they have clean uniforms and packed lunches. It’s about finding a way to balance their extracurricular pursuits with our own professional responsibilities without sacrificing either one in the process. 

While we want our children to have well-rounded lives, it can be incredibly overwhelming to make it all work, especially with an accounting career thrown in the mix.