Being an accountant mom is sometimes like being a clown in a circus juggling many balls — work, family, deadlines, and sometimes, it feels like there’s no time for anything else. If you’re nodding your head, feeling the constant struggle to balance your job and family, you’re not alone. 

It’s especially challenging during busier times of the year, like tax season.  For almost the entirety of my career in public accounting, I was a working mom, so I know how difficult it can be to stay connected with your kids during busy times.

Let’s be honest; being an accountant and a mom is a double-duty job. Tight deadlines, meetings, and endless tasks seem to fill our days, leaving us with a perpetual sense of busyness.

But here’s the thing – it’s okay to feel this way. It’s okay to acknowledge that the struggle is real. Balancing work and family is no easy feat, and we often find ourselves caught in the middle, wondering if we’re doing enough on both fronts.

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters — the connection we share with our kids. Amidst the chaos of schedules and to-do lists, the laughter, the small talks, and the shared moments can sometimes take a backseat. 

But here’s a gentle reminder: these connections are the glue that holds everything together.

Why is it so crucial? Because these connections are often the stories your kids will carry with them throughout their lives. It’s the bedtime stories, the shared jokes, and the little everyday triumphs that create a bond stronger than any busy schedule. 

As accountant moms, we may be good at a Balance Sheet, but the real magic happens when we learn to balance the equations of work and family life.

Today, I want to explore creative and doable ways to bridge the gap between your accountant self and your mom self. I’m going to be diving into strategies that celebrate the quality of time spent rather than the quantity. 

Because in the end, it’s not about having more time; it’s about making the most of the time we have with our kids.

This week I’m going to discuss maximizing quality time, work-life integration, and mindful parenting and personal well-being.


Maximizing quality time


As accountant moms, our days are often a whirlwind of tasks and responsibilities. But what if we could turn some of these everyday routines into moments of connection with our kids? That’s exactly what we’re diving into.

It’s about incorporating bonding moments into your routine tasks.  

For example, let’s say you’re in the kitchen preparing dinner, and your child comes in, curious about what you’re doing. Instead of shooing them away or hurrying through the cooking process, invite them to join you. 

Make it a mini cooking session – let them stir, mix, or even taste-test. These seemingly ordinary moments become an opportunity for bonding. It’s not about the task at hand; it’s about the shared experience, the laughter, and the joy of doing something together.

When my kids were younger, my son, Brendan, showed a lot of interest in cooking, so I always looked for ways to bond with him in the kitchen.  Since eating dinner was a necessity, having him be a part of the process was quality time I wouldn’t have had if I prepared the food alone.

And it’s not just in the kitchen; it could be folding laundry, gardening, or even cleaning up after playtime. Turning routine activities into shared experiences can add a touch of magic to the mundane. 

It’s about being present and finding joy in the simplicity of these moments.  Our kids don’t really care what we’re doing as long as we’re doing it together.

My kids are 31 and 28 now, and I can tell you that they remember sitting and watching a Disney movie together more than they remember that I had to work extra hours on Saturdays during tax season.  In fact, my daughter just said to me a while ago, “You work on Saturdays during tax season?”

I was like, “Where have you been for the past 31 years?”  My husband saw that as a great indication that she wasn’t affected by me working during busier times of the year.

Another thing to consider is leveraging technology for connection.  

In today’s world, technology is both a friend and a potential foe when it comes to family connections. The key is to strike a balance – to use technology as a tool for connection rather than a barrier. 

But how?  Well, instead of seeing technology as a distraction, think of it as a bridge that connects you, especially during those times when work demands your attention. Schedule short video calls during breaks or lunchtime. 

Share a funny meme, a quick update, or a virtual high-five. These little moments, facilitated by technology, go a long way in maintaining a sense of closeness.

My husband and I text a gratitude list to each other every day, helping us to see what the other was grateful for the previous day.  Maybe there’s a way for you to incorporate some kind of gratitude practice with your kids where everyone is in a group chat and shares something they’re grateful for from the day before.

Another suggestion is balancing screen time with quality digital engagement.  Yes, screen time is a reality in today’s digital age. Rather than viewing it as a challenge, let’s transform it into an opportunity. 

Choose activities that you can enjoy together, whether it’s playing an online game, watching a short educational video, or even cooking a virtual recipe side by side. The key is not the amount of time spent on screens but the quality of engagement during that time.

As I said before, some of my kids and my favorite memories were watching Disney movies together and watching cooking shows.  There are so many ways to maximize quality time that don’t require a lot of time and energy.  

In the end, it’s about embracing the tools at our disposal to enhance, not hinder, our connections with our kids. Whether it’s through shared chores or virtual adventures, it’s about quality, not quantity during busy times of the year.


Work-life integration


If you haven’t already listened to episode #269 – Work-Life Integration – I did an entire episode discussing getting clear on defining work-life integration for yourself, navigating the accounting profession, strategies for successful integration, and building a support system.  

For today, I want to discuss integrating your children into your work life.  Incorporating your kids into your work in a fun and educational way can be a rewarding experience for both you and your children. 

My first suggestion is financial learning games.  I discussed this in more depth in last week’s episode, #278 – Raising Financially Savvy Kids, but my suggestion is to create simple financial games or activities that teach basic concepts such as counting money, budgeting, and saving. 

Use play money or real-life scenarios to make it engaging. This not only imparts valuable financial knowledge but also allows your kids to see the practical application of your skills.

My second suggestion is to designate a day where your kids can have their own “office” at home. Set up a small workspace with some office supplies, and let them pretend to be accountants or business owners. 

You can explain your tasks in a simplified manner, and they can mimic your work using age-appropriate activities.

The third suggestion is to turn the mundane task of organizing receipts into a game. Challenge your kids to sort receipts by category or amount. 

You can assign points or rewards for accuracy and efficiency. This not only helps you with your work but also introduces them to the organizational aspect of accounting.

The fourth suggestion is to involve your kids in creating a family budget. Explain income, expenses, and savings goals in a way that they can understand. 

Allow them to contribute ideas for family activities or purchases, fostering a sense of financial responsibility and teamwork.

The fifth suggestion is during school breaks or weekends, offer your kids a “junior accountant internship.” Give them age-appropriate tasks like creating simple spreadsheets, tracking expenses for a family project, or even designing their own fictional business plan. 

This hands-on experience can be both educational and entertaining.  When my son, Brendan, was home during Winter Break from college, he would come into the office and help with the filing of 3,000 grantor letters we had to prepare for a bankruptcy case.

The sixth suggestion is to explore educational apps and games related to finance and accounting. There are interactive tools designed for children that can teach them basic financial literacy while having fun. 

Share these apps with your kids and spend time playing and learning together.

The seventh suggestion is to discuss and set family financial goals together. This could involve saving for a special vacation, a new toy, or even contributing to a charity. 

Involve your kids in the decision-making process and show them how your work contributes to achieving these goals.

The eighth suggestion is if your workplace allows it, consider participating in “Take Your Child to Work Day.” This gives your kids a firsthand look at your professional environment and introduces them to the broader aspects of your career.

And the final suggestion is to acknowledge your professional achievements with your kids. Celebrate milestones, such as the end of tax season or completing a major project, together. 

This not only provides a sense of accomplishment for you but also involves your children in recognizing and appreciating your hard work.

Incorporating your kids into your work not only strengthens your bond with them but also instills important life skills and values. It can be a unique and enjoyable way to blend your professional and family life.


Mindful parenting and personal well-being


In the hustle and bustle of being an accountant mom, especially during busier times of the year, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of tasks and deadlines. But amid the chaos, there’s immense value in the simple act of being present with your kids.

Imagine your child excitedly sharing a story or showing you something they’ve created. Being present means putting down that spreadsheet, turning away from the computer screen, and giving them your full attention. 

It’s not just about physically being there; it’s about engaging with them, listening, and sharing in their joy.  For me, it was the few minutes in the car with my kids as I drove them to school or to their after-school activities.

Being present doesn’t require grand gestures; it’s about cherishing the small, everyday moments. It’s about putting away the distractions and embracing the opportunity to connect. 

These moments, no matter how brief, weave the fabric of a strong parent-child relationship.

Another suggestion is incorporating mindfulness practices into our daily routines.  Mindfulness isn’t a complex concept; it’s about cultivating awareness and being fully engaged in the present moment. 

As an accountant mom, weaving mindfulness into your daily routines can be a game-changer. Whether it’s taking a few mindful breaths before diving into a task or practicing gratitude during a break, these small practices can bring a sense of calm and presence to your busy day.

The truth is that juggling the responsibilities of work and family is an art, and finding balance is key to preventing burnout and maintaining a healthy life.  That means learning how to set boundaries and managing your work commitments as well.

Setting boundaries doesn’t mean neglecting your responsibilities; it’s about creating a realistic framework that allows you to fulfill both your professional and parental roles. Communicate with your colleagues about your working hours and availability. 

Learn to say no when your plate is full and prioritize tasks based on their importance. By setting clear boundaries, you create space for focused work and dedicated family time.

It’s also important to prioritize self-care for a healthy work-life balance.  As you’ve probably heard, there’s a reason they suggest that parents put their oxygen masks on first in case of an emergency on a plane; you’re not going to be helpful to anyone if you don’t take care of yourself first.

Recognizing the importance of self-care is acknowledging that you deserve time for yourself. It’s not a luxury; it’s a necessity. 

Whether it’s a quiet cup of tea, a short walk, or a hobby you enjoy, taking time for yourself is not selfish; it’s an investment in your overall well-being.

So, hopefully, you can now see that while there may be many challenges during busy times of the year, so are the opportunities to weave moments of connection and joy into our busy routines.  I’ve shared a lot of practical ways to strengthen the bonds with your kids while excelling in your professional roles.

Just don’t put so much pressure on yourself.  Busier times require more self-love and appreciation for all that you do to have an accounting career and a family.




In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters — the connection we share with our kids.

Our kids don’t really care what we’re doing as long as we’re doing it together.