As you and I know all too well, being a working mom is no easy feat. It’s a relentless juggling act where the demands of the office collide with the needs of our families. 

The struggle is real, and every working mom knows it. Mornings filled with getting the kids ready for school, rushing to the office, tackling meetings, and then returning home to a whirlwind of homework and dinner preparations—this is the daily script for countless women around the world.

In the middle of all this chaos, finding joy can seem laughable or feel like a far-off dream. The happiness we used to get from things like a child’s laughter or accomplishing something for ourselves often gets lost in the never-ending list of tasks.

The everyday struggle—juggling work ambitions with spending time with family—and feeling guilty that you might not be doing your best at work or home—really takes a toll on us.

The truth is, it’s easy to lose sight of joy in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Moments that could be filled with happiness and contentment can slip through the cracks, unnoticed and uncelebrated. 

This is the crux of the problem faced by working moms—how to reclaim joy in the midst of deadlines, school runs, and household chores.  When it seems like the best part of the day is when you crash into bed, how do you not feel like every day is a scene from the movie “Groundhog Day”?

Balancing work and family isn’t just tiring physically—it messes with our minds, emotions, and our overall happiness. When stress never leaves your side, the fun stuff in life starts feeling dull. 

And it’s not just us working moms who feel it; it affects how we relate to everyone, both at home and at work.

So what’s the solution? How do we tackle this tough situation and find happiness in our daily grind again? In today’s episode, I’m diving into exactly that.

I’m not promising a magical solution or a one-size-fits-all remedy, but hopefully, some practical strategies and insights that can make a tangible difference.  If you’ve been struggling to find some sense of joy in the hustle and bustle of your daily life, this episode is for you.

This week I’m going to discuss why the struggle is real and how to find joy in the everyday. 

The struggle is real


You’ve probably felt it yourself—the pressure of a successful career, taking care of your family, keeping up with chores, and chasing your own dreams. It’s like walking a tightrope that needs constant adjusting and grace.

But let’s face it, the emotional strain of this balancing act is no joke. Trying to meet everyone’s expectations, whether at work or home, often leaves us stressed, guilty, and feeling pulled in different directions.

The first area we deal with is a daily race against the clock.  For example, the alarm rings, and you hit the ground running. From the moment your eyes open, there’s a constant race against time. 

Breakfast needs to be quick, getting the kids ready for school is a scramble,  and the commute to work feels like a sprint. The day at the office is a series of deadlines and meetings, leaving little room for a breather. 

As the workday ends, the rush to pick up the kids, cook dinner, and tend to household responsibilities takes over. In this fast-paced routine, finding moments of joy can seem like an elusive treasure that you just don’t have the map for.

The next issue is balancing our careers with our families.  For example, let’s say you’re in the middle of an important call with a client when your cell phone starts pinging. 

It’s a message from your child’s school, letting you know that there’s an urgent matter that requires your immediate attention. Yet, your responsibility at work demands focus and dedication. 

The constant struggle to balance the demands of our careers with the needs of our families can feel like walking a tightrope. The fear of disappointing either our boss or our loved ones becomes a constant weight on our shoulders.

The third struggle is something I’ve talked about on this podcast a number of times – working mom guilt and societal expectations.  Let’s face it – guilt is a familiar companion for most of us working moms. 

Skipping a school function, passing on a family get-together for work, or leaving work early for personal stuff—it all leaves us with this nagging sense of guilt. Society expects us to be perfect, always balancing work and family flawlessly.

But trying to live up to these standards feels like a never-ending fight, making us feel like we’re constantly falling short no matter how hard we try.

While all of these struggles are real for most working moms, the daily grind can begin to overshadow joy.  It can make us forget how we felt when we got our job or when we had our first child.

When a typical day is waking up early, racing through breakfast, commuting to work, navigating a maze of meetings, and then returning home to a whirlwind of chores, it’s no wonder it seems like there’s no time for joy. 

In this routine, moments that could be filled with joy often go unnoticed. The daily grind becomes a monotonous cycle, leaving little room for celebration or appreciation of the small victories – the completion of a challenging task, a compliment from a colleague, or a moment of laughter with your family.

The issue is that when joy takes a back seat, the risk of burnout increases.  

Think of your energy as a limited resource. When the demands of work and family consistently drain this resource without replenishment, burnout becomes a real threat. 

Here’s the thing: burnout isn’t just about feeling physically drained; it’s like being emotionally empty, with happiness seeming so far away. When we’re stuck in a loop of responsibilities without enough time to recharge, we’re more likely to burn out. 

This affects not only how we feel but also how well we perform at home and at work.

Thankfully, by acknowledging these challenges, we can take the first step towards addressing them.   


Finding joy in the everyday


So now that we’ve covered that the struggle is real, what can we do to find joy in the every day, even at work?

My first suggestion is to try finding happiness in the little wins. Picture this: you’ve had a tough day at work, juggling your job and family things.

Instead of letting the stress take over, switch gears. Think about the small victories of the day—maybe completing a complicated write-up and tax return or getting a nice compliment from a coworker.

Choosing to see the good means noticing and cherishing these tiny, special moments, which can totally change how your day feels and the energy and attitude you bring to the next day.

Tip: Take a moment at the end of each day to reflect on positive moments, no matter how small. Write them down in a journal to reinforce the habit of finding joy in small victories.

My second suggestion is to practice gratitude.  You would be amazed at the positive impact it can have by just setting aside a few minutes each day to reflect on the positive aspects of your life. 

Think about it: maybe it’s a coworker lending a hand, the comfort of your morning cup of coffee, or a sweet moment with your kid. Gratitude is all about actively noticing and being thankful for the little blessings, even if they seem small, in your everyday life.

Every day I text three things I was grateful for from the day before with my husband and a good friend.  It’s amazing how this simple practice changes how I see the day before, but also how I look forward to things to be grateful for in the day ahead.

Tip: Start or end your day by listing three things you’re grateful for, whether you share them with someone or not. You’ll be amazed at how you look for joy every day because you know you’ll be listing three things the following day.  

My third suggestion is prioritizing “me time.”  It’s hard to find joy when your cup is empty.

Imagine carving out a little time each day just for you. Whether it’s diving into a good book, going for a relaxing walk, or indulging in a hobby, making “me-time” a priority isn’t selfish—it’s crucial for your well-being.

Just like you schedule time for work and family, setting aside moments for self-care helps you recharge. It means you’ll face challenges with more energy and a clearer head.

Tip: Schedule “me-time” on your calendar, treating it with the same importance as work meetings. Communicate your need for this time to your family to ensure uninterrupted moments.

My fourth suggestion is setting boundaries at work and at home.  Imagine clearly defining and communicating your boundaries at work and home to maintain a healthy balance. 

This could involve informing colleagues of your availability during specific hours, designating family time free from work distractions, and learning to say no when necessary. Setting boundaries is an essential practice to establish a balance that respects both your professional and personal commitments, ultimately reducing the risk of burnout.

Tip: Clearly communicate your work hours to colleagues and establish designated family time. Use tools like calendar apps to set clear boundaries for when work begins and ends.

My fifth suggestion is to find joy in your work achievements, no matter how big or small they may be. Whether it’s finishing a tough project, getting praise from a client, or reaching a career milestone, acknowledging these wins can fill you with happiness and pride.

Making a habit of celebrating these victories, big or small, not only boosts your job satisfaction but also creates a positive atmosphere at work.

Tip: Create a physical or virtual “joy board” at work where you pin notes of your achievements. I have a small corkboard in my office where I pin accomplishments or kind words someone said to me.

The last suggestion is to develop strategies for efficient time management. Imagine implementing practical strategies to manage your time effectively, allowing you to fulfill both your work and family responsibilities easily. 

Here’s what you can do: make a schedule that’s actually doable, focusing on what’s important and what makes the biggest difference. And don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Balancing work and family isn’t about being perfect—it’s about finding a routine that works for you, where both sides of your life can peacefully fit together.

Tip: Plan, plan, plan.  The more you plan in advance, the easier it is to see where you’re overcommitting or when you need to delegate.  As I tell my coaching clients, if the math of your calendar doesn’t work, then making decisions in advance is the answer.

Hopefully, you now have some ways to begin to find joy in the every day, even at work.  There are many moments of joy surrounding you; you just have to be open to seeing them.

And don’t forget – joy is contagious, and your kids can feel your feelings too.




The happiness we used to get from things like a child’s laughter or accomplishing something for ourselves often gets lost in the never-ending list of tasks.

When a typical day is waking up early, racing through breakfast, commuting to work, navigating a maze of meetings, and then returning home to a whirlwind of chores, it’s no wonder it seems like there’s no time for joy.