I’ve been looking forward to discussing this topic for a while.  As a Professional Certified Coach for Accountants, I have the pleasure of helping accountants navigate their careers and their lives, and I’ve wanted to discuss how mentorship can be a game-changer in the lives of accountant moms.

As a fellow accountant and mom, I’ve navigated the intricate dance between spreadsheets and bedtime stories, deadlines, and school runs. It’s not always easy. 

Every one of us has challenges that we share in common and challenges that are unique to our life situation.  That’s why I want to explore the role of mentorship and how it can hopefully make your journey a little smoother. 

The thing is that mentorship isn’t just a buzzword; it can be the secret to overcoming many of the professional hurdles we face while managing the demands of motherhood. 

I believe all accountants could benefit from mentorship, but particularly accountant moms.  Why is that?  Because society and our workplaces often have expectations that can be overwhelming if we’re not careful. 

The truth is that striking the right balance while meeting expectations is no small feat. That’s why it’s important to acknowledge the challenges you’re dealing with in order to better appreciate the impact of mentorship.

Mentorship, simply put, is having a seasoned guide in your corner. Someone who has not only walked the path you’re on but is willing to share their insights and can encourage you to take steps on your own unique journey.

Even though each accountant mom’s career and personal life is unique, there are some commonalities that a mentor can help you navigate.  Today, I want to highlight why mentorship matters and how it can contribute to both professional and personal growth.

I’m also going to explore how to find the right mentor by first identifying your unique needs. What are your goals, and what challenges are you facing? I’m going to be discussing how understanding these aspects is the first step in finding the right mentor.

Here’s the thing – mentorship doesn’t happen in a vacuum.  I’m going to be exploring practical tips on how to build a mentorship network, including ways to connect with potential mentors within and beyond your current professional circles.

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey, and mentorship could be the missing piece that propels you forward. 

This week I’m going to discuss understanding the challenges that make mentorship important, the power of mentorship, how to find the right mentor, and the difference between unpaid mentors and paid coaches.  


Understanding the challenges that make mentorship important


Let’s start with understanding the challenges that come with balancing both your professional and family life.

You’ve got deadlines looming, financial reports needing attention, and, at the same time, the little ones at home craving your time and attention. How do we pull off this balancing act? It’s like walking a tightrope, and today, I want to shine a light on the complexities of this daily high-wire performance.

So, what makes our balancing act unique as accountant moms? We’re not just talking about debits and credits; we’re talking about work demands alongside late-night feedings. 

It’s the constant tug-of-war between client meetings and parent-teacher conferences. It’s not always a seamless operation, and that’s perfectly okay. 

But today, I want to explore the distinctive challenges that accountant moms face and discuss why acknowledging these challenges is the first step in finding solutions.

The first challenge we face is the external factors that add an extra layer of pressure to our lives as accountant moms, specifically societal and workplace expectations.  

We may have our own expectations, but there’s also this unspoken script that dictates the roles of moms, and it often intertwines with the demanding expectations of our accounting profession. From being the supermom who has it all together to the dedicated professional who never misses a beat, these societal norms can unknowingly shape our daily lives if we’re not careful.

The second challenge is the accounting profession itself, often demanding more than just the typical 9-to-5 commitment. 

Whether you’re in public or private accounting, as an accountant mom, you’re navigating through this demanding landscape, and it’s okay to admit that you need support. In fact, it’s important to acknowledge that you need help for your personal well-being and professional growth.

Here’s the thing – there is no shame in allowing someone to support you.  In fact, I believe it’s one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself and for setting an example for your children.

Think about it this way – if you want your children to ask you for help at any stage in their lives, you have to be willing to show them how it’s done.  You have to be willing to share what you’re struggling with and how there’s nothing wrong with having someone support you. 

Remember, they’re always watching you.  If you pretend that everything is great when it isn’t, you’re not allowing them to see the human side of being a working mom.


The power of mentorship 


At its core, mentorship involves a seasoned guide, someone who’s been down the road you’re traveling and is eager to share insights, wisdom, and a few shortcuts.  Basically, someone who’s “been there, done that.”

So, why does it matter in the realm of accounting?  Think of having a mentor as your personal GPS for your career. They provide guidance, share experiences, and offer valuable advice that textbooks and continuing education seminars simply can’t cover. 

Mentorship can turn challenges into opportunities and transform career aspirations into tangible achievements.

But mentorship isn’t just about climbing the corporate ladder; it’s about growth. Professionally, it opens doors to new opportunities, helps you navigate the nuances of office politics, and refines your technical skills. 

On a personal level, having a mentor can boost confidence, improve decision-making, and provide a much-needed support system during both triumphs and challenges.  In my experience, a mentor can become your greatest cheerleader.

The power of mentorship lies not just in the guidance it provides but also in the reciprocal relationship that forms, fostering a sense of community and shared accomplishment.

As I shared before, being a Professional Certified Coach for Accountants has given me the opportunity to take a front-row seat to other accountant’s success stories.

I’ve worked with accountant moms who have not only weathered the storm but thrived.  

One of my clients was a mom of two who, with guidance, not only aced her CPA exams but also secured a leadership role in her firm. Another client, thanks to my mentorship, successfully transitioned from part-time consulting to running her own firm.  

Here’s the thing – success stories aren’t just about the big wins; they’re about the small victories that lead to significant career advancements.  Mentorship can play a pivotal role in helping accountant moms secure promotions, tackle challenging projects with newfound confidence, and find a work-life balance that suits their unique needs.

Honestly, mentorship can touch every aspect of an accountant mom’s life. Remember, the journey is not just about reaching the destination but about the growth, learning, and empowerment you gain along the way. 

One of the most beneficial steps you can take as an accountant mom is finding mentors who inspire and empower you on your journey.  


How to find the right mentor 


Now, let’s talk about finding the right mentor. This isn’t just about picking someone at random; it’s about creating a professional compass that aligns with your unique goals and challenges. 

Before you start looking for a mentor, take a moment to get clear on your individual goals and challenges. What are you aiming for in your career? Is it mastering a particular skill, stepping into a leadership role, or perhaps striking a better work-life balance? 

Identifying these aspects is like setting the coordinates on your career map. It provides a clear direction and purpose, laying the foundation for a more meaningful mentorship experience.

Once you’ve clarified your goals, it’s time to address what to look for in a mentor. It’s more than just finding someone with an impressive resume (although that certainly helps). 

You will want to consider their communication style, their approach to problem-solving, and their willingness to invest time in your growth. Look for a mentor whose strengths complement your weaknesses, creating a partnership that fosters mutual learning and growth.

Consider the qualities that resonate with you personally. Do you thrive with a mentor who is a visionary leader or someone who is more hands-on and practical? This self-awareness will guide you in selecting a mentor whose approach aligns with your preferences and needs.

It’s also important to understand that mentorship is rarely a one-size-fits-all scenario. You need to explore diverse avenues for building your mentorship network. 

This can happen within your workplace, at industry conferences, or even through online communities. Don’t limit yourself; cast a wide net and be open to finding mentors in unexpected places. 

The truth is that sometimes, the most impactful mentorship relationships come from diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Consider joining professional associations, participating in webinars, or becoming an active member of online forums relevant to your field. These platforms offer opportunities to connect with seasoned professionals who could become valuable mentors.

Once you’ve identified your needs and are ready to network, the question becomes: How do you actually connect with potential mentors? Start by attending industry events, workshops, and networking sessions. 

Engage in conversations, ask thoughtful questions, and don’t be afraid to share your goals openly. Authenticity often sparks genuine connections.

Consider reaching out to potential mentors through professional platforms like LinkedIn. Craft a personalized message expressing your admiration for their work, and explain why you believe their guidance would be invaluable on your journey. 

Personalized and genuine outreach can go a long way in establishing a connection.  In essence, finding the right mentor is about aligning your professional journey with someone who not only understands your goals but is also passionate about helping you achieve them. 


The difference between unpaid mentors and paid coaches


Before I wrap up this episode, I want to explore the important differences between unpaid mentors and paid coaches.  

Unpaid mentors typically engage in mentorship with individuals they work with or have a connection with in some form.  These individuals often have a wealth of experience and expertise in their field and are passionate about sharing their knowledge with those who are navigating a similar path. 

Unpaid mentors may be colleagues, senior professionals in your organization, or individuals from your professional network who are willing to invest their time and expertise without a financial transaction.

However, the availability and commitment of unpaid mentors can vary. Some may have time constraints due to their own professional responsibilities, making scheduling and consistency more challenging.

On the other hand, paid coaches, like myself, are professionals who offer mentorship services as part of our coaching business.  We bring a structured approach to mentorship, leveraging our expertise and skills to provide guidance and support. 

Paid coaches may specialize in various areas, offering targeted assistance in specific skills, career transitions, or personal development.

The benefit of engaging with a paid coach is the assurance of a structured and dedicated mentorship program. Coaches often have a defined methodology, resources, and a commitment to regular sessions, which can be advantageous for mentees seeking a more formalized and results-oriented approach.

The clear distinction with paid coaches lies in the monetary exchange for our services. This can be an attractive option for those who prefer a professional relationship with set expectations and outcomes.

The decision between an unpaid mentor and a paid coach ultimately depends on your individual needs, preferences, and resources. Unpaid mentors offer a more informal, relationship-driven mentorship experience, while paid coaches provide a structured and often results-oriented approach.

My suggestion is to consider your goals, the level of support you require, and the dynamics that resonate with your learning style. Some individuals may benefit from a mix of both, combining the authenticity of unpaid mentorship with the structured guidance of a paid coach.

In the end, whether your mentor is unpaid or a paid coach like myself, the essence lies in the willingness to learn, grow, and build meaningful connections within the professional landscape. The mentorship journey is diverse, and the most valuable insights often come from the unique experiences and perspectives of those who guide us along the way.

Whether you have someone in mind or not, let the journey of mentorship unfold, and may you find mentors who not only guide you through challenges but also celebrate your victories along the way.




Mentorship isn’t just a buzzword; it can be the secret to overcoming hurdles and reaching professional heights while managing the demands of motherhood.

Mentorship can turn challenges into opportunities and transform career aspirations into tangible achievements.