Imagine this: You’re juggling a career, a family, and countless responsibilities, all while striving to carve out a bit of time for your personal growth and well-being.  I know you don’t even have to imagine it because you’re probably living it.

The daily hustle and bustle can often feel like an overwhelming whirlwind, leaving you with little room to breathe, let alone work on your goals. It’s in these moments that the power of self-discipline becomes your secret weapon, your guiding star.

Believe me, I understand the unique challenges you face, and I’m here to provide you with practical, easy-to-understand strategies that will help you harness the incredible potential of self-discipline in your everyday life.

Whether your goals are career-related, health-focused, or centered around personal growth, these strategies are designed to empower you to take control of your life and create a harmonious balance between your various roles.

If you’re anything like the accountant moms that I coach, you have goals you’d like to achieve, but there are so many things that seem to keep getting in the way of their achievement.  Between work obligations and caring for your family, there probably seems to be little or no time for other things.

Or maybe the self-discipline you need is at work or when you’re with your family.  Maybe you’re not sticking to time boundaries at work, stopping later than you planned to, or perhaps you’ve promised yourself you’d get up before everyone else to have some “me time,” and you keep hitting the snooze button instead.

Whatever the issue is, it’s time to seize control of your life.  If you need to improve your self-discipline, keep listening because this episode could be a game-changer.

This week I’m going to discuss what self-discipline is, why working moms need it, and practical strategies for improving your self-discipline.   


What self-discipline is 


At its core, self-discipline is like the North Star guiding your actions and decisions, especially when life gets chaotic. It’s the capacity to control your impulses, remain focused on your goals, and honor your commitments. 

But here’s the thing – your accountant mom’s brain plays a pivotal role in creating self-discipline.

Think of your brain as the conductor of this intricate orchestra called self-discipline. It’s responsible for orchestrating the symphony of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. 

Understanding how your brain functions in this context can empower you to cultivate self-discipline more effectively.

The higher part of your brain, the prefrontal cortex, is the brain’s command center for self-discipline. This part of your brain is responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and long-term planning. 

When you resist the temptation to check your social media during work hours or opt for a salad instead of fast food, it’s your prefrontal cortex at work.

It’s also important to know that your brain is wired to seek rewards and pleasure. Since your lower, Toddler brain is all about immediate gratification, it’s no wonder we often struggle with self-discipline.

Self-discipline often involves delaying immediate gratification for a larger, more meaningful reward in the future.  Unfortunately, the Toddler brain is wired to want what it wants when it wants it. 

So, for example, when you choose to save money instead of splurging on impulse purchases, you’re leveraging the higher part of your brain to delay immediate gratification.  That higher, Supervising Parent part of your brain is your best friend when you are working on improving your self-discipline.

Thankfully, no matter how long you’ve struggled with self-discipline, your brain has the incredible ability to adapt and change, which is referred to as neuroplasticity. This means that with consistent practice, you can rewire your brain to reinforce self-discipline. 

The more you exercise self-control, the stronger your higher brain becomes.

Now that you have a glimpse into the brain’s role in self-discipline, let’s break down the building blocks to self-discipline:

Awareness: Self-discipline begins with self-awareness. Understanding your goals, your triggers, and your tendencies is crucial. Take a moment to reflect on what you want to achieve and what usually derails your progress.

Planning: Your higher brain loves to plan. Break your goals into actionable steps. When you have a clear roadmap, you’re less likely to veer off course.

Impulse Control: Recognize that impulsive actions often lead to short-term pleasure but long-term regret. Train your brain to pause and evaluate before acting on impulses.

Consistency: Just like a muscle, self-discipline strengthens with practice. Consistently making disciplined choices rewires your brain to make them more effortlessly.

Resilience: Setbacks are part of the journey. Embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow. Your brain’s neuroplasticity ensures that you can bounce back stronger.

Remember, your brain is a dynamic, adaptable tool that can be harnessed to your advantage. Cultivating self-discipline is not about denying yourself pleasure; it’s about aligning your actions with your long-term goals, with your brain as your ally in this pursuit.


Why working moms need self-discipline


As a working mom, you are truly a modern-day superhero, managing multiple roles and responsibilities with incredible dedication. While most people struggle with self-discipline, it’s also vital for us accountant moms to get a better handle on self-discipline.  

The first reason is because of the balancing act we need to perform on a daily basis.  As we find ourselves juggling the demands of a career, household, and family, we’re also striving to nurture our own dreams and well-being. 

This intricate balancing act requires strategic time management, which is fueled by self-discipline.  The truth is that time is a precious commodity for everyone, but especially for working moms. 

Self-discipline helps you make the most of every minute by prioritizing tasks effectively. It ensures that you allocate time for work, family, personal growth, and self-care without feeling overwhelmed.

The second reason why working moms need self-discipline is because of stress reduction.  The ability to manage stress is paramount for working moms. 

Self-discipline aids in setting boundaries and making mindful choices, reducing the stress that can result from overextending yourself.

The third reason is achieving work-life balance.  Self-discipline empowers you to establish clear boundaries between your professional and personal life. 

This boundary-setting is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and preventing burnout.  By learning to better set and stick to boundaries, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to balance both roles as an accountant and a mother.

The fourth reason why working moms need self-discipline is role modeling.  As a working mom, you’re not just setting an example for your children but also for others in your community and workplace.

Demonstrating self-discipline in pursuing your goals can inspire those around you.  You never know when your self-discipline will be the encouragement that someone else needs.

The fifth reason is personal growth.  Self-discipline is the cornerstone of personal growth. 

It enables you to carve out time for self-improvement, whether that means pursuing further education, developing new skills, or pursuing hobbies and passions.

And the final reason is long-term fulfillment.  The decisions you make today, guided by self-discipline, will shape your future. 

Whether you’re aiming for career advancement, financial security, or a healthier lifestyle, self-discipline ensures you stay on course, even when the journey is challenging.

In essence, self-discipline is your trusty compass, helping you navigate the intricate terrain of being a working mom. It equips you with the tools to manage your time effectively, reduce stress, set an example for your loved ones, and ultimately achieve a fulfilling life where both your personal and professional aspirations are realized. 


Practical strategies for improving your self-discipline


Now that you understand the importance of self-discipline for working moms, let’s explore actionable strategies that can be seamlessly integrated into your daily routine. These practical tips are designed to empower you on your journey toward enhanced self-discipline:

Set Clear Goals:

Define your objectives clearly. Whether it’s advancing in your career, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or nurturing personal growth, having a precise vision is the first step towards self-discipline.

Prioritize Tasks:

Use the Decision Matrix that I’ve shared in a previous episode to identify and focus on tasks that are both easy and high-impact. This helps prevent feeling overwhelmed and ensures that you allocate your energy to tasks that truly matter.

Create a Routine:

Establish a daily or weekly routine that allocates dedicated time for work, family, self-care, and personal development. Routines provide structure and help ensure that you allocate time to what’s most important.

Break It Down:

Big goals can feel overwhelming. Break them into smaller, manageable steps. This approach makes your objectives less daunting and more achievable.

Use Technology Wisely:

Leverage productivity apps and tools to stay organized. Calendar apps, to-do lists, and time tracking apps can help you manage your tasks efficiently.

Practice Mindfulness:

Incorporate mindfulness exercises into your daily routine. This can be as simple as taking a few minutes to breathe deeply and focus on the present moment. Mindfulness reduces stress and enhances focus.

Stay Accountable:

Share your goals with a trusted friend or family member who can help keep you accountable. When someone else is cheering you on, it’s easier to stay disciplined.

Reward Yourself:

Don’t forget to celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Rewards can be powerful motivators, reinforcing your commitment to self-discipline.

Learn from Setbacks:

Understand that setbacks are a natural part of any journey. Rather than dwelling on them, use setbacks as learning experiences. Analyze what went wrong and adapt your approach accordingly.

Remember, improving self-discipline is like building a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. 

So be patient with yourself, and don’t be discouraged by occasional slips. Each day is a new opportunity to practice self-discipline and make progress toward your goals.




At its core, self-discipline is like the North Star guiding your actions and decisions, especially when life gets chaotic.

Thankfully, no matter how long you’ve struggled with self-discipline, your brain has the incredible ability to adapt and change, which is referred to as neuroplasticity; this means that with consistent practice, you can rewire your brain to reinforce self-discipline.