In today’s world, it’s not just about the typical nine-to-five job anymore. For us working moms, finding the right balance between job and family is really important to us.

Being a working mom means juggling many things – your job, taking care of your home, and looking after your family.  While it’s not easy, it also does come with its own set of rewards, such as the joy of being present for your family’s important moments and the satisfaction of successfully managing both your professional and personal worlds.

If you’re thinking about or already have a flexible work schedule, it’s important to understand that flexibility is not just a trendy word; it’s often a lifeline for working moms. Whether you’ve been working for a long time or just starting out, having the flexibility to choose when, where, and how you work can make a big difference.

Why does this matter? Because finding a balance between work and life isn’t just about feeling good; it’s also about finding fulfillment. When you get that balance right, you’re not just reducing stress and getting more personal time, but you’re also doing better in your job.

I’ve had a flexible work schedule for decades, and I know how important it is to create a work plan that fits with your family’s schedule. Imagine a world where you can adjust your work hours to match when your kids are at school or find the best time for you to get work done efficiently.

It’s not a fantasy; it can be a reality.  But, working with a flexible schedule also has its challenges, although it’s totally worth it.

So, if you’re a mom in the accounting world facing the ups and downs of a flexible work schedule, you’re in the right place. I plan on helping you discover the secrets to flexible work arrangements.

This week I’m going to discuss the benefits of flexible work arrangements, types of flexible work arrangements for accountant moms, and how to navigate challenges.


The benefits of flexible work arrangements


Now let’s talk about the many benefits of flexible work arrangements for working moms. 

Work-Life Balance: Think about those days when you can’t decide whether to be in the office or at the school pickup line. Flexible work arrangements can be your knight in shining armor. 

It’s like having the magic wand to balance your professional commitments and your family life. Imagine being there for the soccer game and nailing that important presentation – that’s the beauty of a flexible work arrangement.

Example: Picture this – you’re able to leave work a little earlier to make it to your child’s recital without having to beg your boss for time off. Work-life integration, or balance, is achieved!

Reduced Stress: The morning rush, the traffic jams, and the constant rush to meet deadlines can make anyone’s heart race. With flexibility, you can reduce some of the stress that comes with going and coming from work. You’ll have the power to design a schedule that minimizes some of the chaos and stress; it won’t completely eliminate it, but it will minimize it.

Example: No more sprinting to get the kids ready, gulping down coffee, and rushing out the door. You can savor your breakfast with your family and start your day calmly.

Improved Productivity: We all have our peak performance hours. I always say that all hours are not created equal.  Flexible work arrangements allow you to tap into those golden moments. 

Having a flexible work arrangement has made the biggest impact on my productivity because I’m a morning person, so I sit down at my computer most days when I’m working from home at 7 am.  When you work when you’re most productive, you can get more done in less time.

Example: If you’re a morning person like me, you can tackle important tasks early. Night owl? Save your most challenging work for the evening when your brain works at its best.

Enhanced Job Satisfaction: Have you ever had that feeling when you’re able to balance your work and family life seamlessly? It might be rare, but it does happen.  The truth is that when you’re content in both your professional and personal roles, it adds up to greater job satisfaction.

My flexible work arrangement is probably the biggest reason I’ve stayed at my job for the past 20+ years.

Example: When you’re able to attend your child’s school events or simply have dinner together without worrying about work, you’re more likely to be happy at your job.

So whether you’re looking for a flexible work arrangement or already in one, there are many benefits for you, your employer, and your family.  


Types of flexible work arrangements for accountant moms  


Now, let’s talk about the flexible work arrangements that can be a lifesaver for accountant moms. If you’re crunching numbers and managing finances while juggling your family’s needs, these flexible options can be your saving grace:

Telecommuting: Telecommuting allows accountant moms to work remotely, reducing the need for daily commutes and providing the flexibility to manage both family and work responsibilities.

If the pandemic taught the accounting profession anything, it’s that you can review financial statements and prepare tax returns while keeping an eye on your little one’s virtual school lessons. 

Thankfully, they’re back in school now, but telecommuting is still a fantastic option.

Flexible Hours: As accountants, we often have peak periods like tax season. Flexible hours mean we can adapt our work schedule to handle the busiest times without sacrificing our family time.

For example, during tax season, you can work extended hours when your partner or a sitter can take over parenting duties, then scale back during quieter periods.

In my situation, I work from home on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays, I work in the office on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and during tax season, I work from home on Saturdays as well.  

Job Sharing: If you’re looking to strike a balance between career and family, job sharing might be your golden ticket. In job-sharing situations, two accountants share one full-time position, dividing the financial responsibilities between them.

For example, our firm has a position where one woman works Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays while the other covers Tuesdays and Thursdays. It’s teamwork in action.

Freelancing and Gig Work: If you’ve ever dreamt of being your own boss, freelancing or gig work can offer the flexibility you need. You can take on accounting projects on a contract basis, giving you control over your workload and clients.

For example, as a freelance accountant, you can manage the books for multiple small businesses, setting your own hours and tailoring your services to fit your family’s schedule.

Part-Time work: Working part-time as an accountant allows you to maintain a professional role while still having ample time for your family. You can work fewer hours each week, providing a balance between your career and personal life.

For example, since my daughter was born over 30 years ago, I have worked on a part-time basis, ensuring that I could be there for my family’s needs while staying engaged in my accounting career.  It’s also made it possible for me to run my own coaching business as well.

But here’s the thing: Don’t be fooled by me working part-time.  I get more done in the 30 hours  week that I work than most accountants get done in 50 hours a week, so it’s a win-win for everyone..

Compressed workweek: A compressed workweek involves working full-time hours but over fewer days. This means longer workdays but more days off. It can be an excellent choice if you prefer extended weekends with your family.

For example, you could work four 10-hour days, giving you a three-day weekend to spend quality time with your kids.

Sabbaticals or leave options: Many organizations offer sabbaticals or extended leave options. You can take time off to focus on your family’s needs, then return to your accounting career when it’s more convenient for you.

For example, if you have young children, you might take a year off to be with them during their early years, then return to work when they enter school. This is what I did when my son was 2 – I stopped working for 2 years and then went back to work when he started pre-school.

Remote work and flexibility with clients: If you run your accounting practice, you can negotiate with clients to have flexibility in when and how you provide your services. This arrangement can be particularly helpful for self-employed accountant moms like our CPA MOMS Franchisees.

For example, you might arrange with your clients to handle their financial matters during your child’s naptime or when they’re at school.

Remember, the key is to find a flexible work arrangement that aligns with your family’s needs, career aspirations, and your specific skills as an accountant. Flexibility can be amazing, and the right setup can help you shine in both your accounting career and as a dedicated mom.


How to navigate challenges


Alright, we’ve talked about all the fantastic flexible work arrangements available to accountant moms, but let’s get real for a moment. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. 

Believe me, there are challenges on this path as well, and I want to help you navigate them:

Communication with your employer: Having a heart-to-heart with your boss about your flexible work needs is essential. But, it can be daunting. 

Tips: Be clear about your needs, show how flexibility can benefit both you and the company, and be open to compromises. A well-thought-out plan can make all the difference.

When I started working a flexible work arrangement, I was able to show the firm how much more productive I was able to be from home.  By proving how valuable the arrangement was to them, they were able to be on board

Staying organized: Balancing work and family life requires ninja-level organization skills. You’re going to need to be on top of your game to ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

Tips: Invest in a good planner or use digital tools. I personally recommend a paper planner over a digital one because of the way our brain processes things when they’re written down.  Make sure that you break your day into manageable chunks to tackle work, chores, and family time effectively.

Setting boundaries: When you’re working from home or have flexible hours, setting boundaries can be tricky. It’s essential to maintain a clear separation between work and family life to prevent one from encroaching on the other.

Tips: Create a designated workspace at home and establish specific work hours. Communicate these boundaries to your family so they know when you’re in work mode.

Technology hurdles: Depending on your flexible work arrangement, you may need to rely heavily on technology. Technical issues, such as a slow internet connection or computer problems, can disrupt your workflow.

Tips: Ensure you have reliable technology and a backup plan for when things go awry. It’s essential to be tech-savvy or have access to tech support.

Isolation: Working remotely or having non-traditional hours can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation. You might miss the camaraderie of the office or face loneliness while working alone.

Tips: Stay connected with colleagues through virtual meetings or social gatherings. Seek out local or virtual networking groups to meet like-minded professionals like we have with the CPA MOMS Facebook group.

Managing childcare: Believe me, I know firsthand that balancing your work with your children’s needs can be a juggling act. Finding reliable childcare that aligns with your work schedule can be challenging.

Tips: Explore as many childcare options as you can.  I always had a plan A, B, and C.  If possible, coordinate with your partner or consider sharing childcare responsibilities with a trusted friend or family member.

Time management: If you’ve been listening to this podcast for awhile you know that I am a huge proponent of better time management for accountant moms.  The truth is that the flexibility in your work arrangement can sometimes make time management a bit tricky. Striking the right balance between work and family obligations requires careful planning.

Tips: Prioritize tasks, set clear daily goals, and make efficient use of your productive hours. Time management techniques that I’ve taught throughout this podcast can be incredibly helpful.

Guilt and self-care: Balancing a career and motherhood often leads to feelings of guilt for not being fully present in either role. Additionally, self-care can take a backseat in this busy schedule.

Tips: Be kind to yourself, and understand that it’s okay to ask for help. Make time for self-care to recharge and reduce feelings of guilt. You need it and deserve it.

Remember, challenges are a natural part of the journey, and you have the resilience and creativity to overcome them. 

As I wrap this episode up, I want to leave you with a resounding message of hope and empowerment. You’ve already proven that you’re an extraordinary individual, juggling the demanding roles of an accountant and a dedicated mom. The challenges you face are real, but so are the solutions.

Flexible work arrangements, whether it’s telecommuting, flexible hours, job sharing, or freelancing, offer you the power to mold your career to fit your life rather than the other way around. 

I’ve seen firsthand that work-life balance can increase job satisfaction and reduce stress. These arrangements allow you to be the present, loving mother you aspire to be while continuing to excel in your accounting career.

And remember, you’re not alone on this journey. The CPA MOMS Community is here for you.  

As you navigate this path, be open to communication with your employer, stay organized, and set clear boundaries to ensure that both your career and family life thrive harmoniously. Embrace technology and seek support when needed. You deserve to celebrate your achievements and practice self-care without guilt.

Your unique path may include remote work, part-time hours, job sharing, or even running your practice. Whatever you choose, make it your own, and know that you have the skills and determination to succeed.




If you’re thinking about or already have a flexible work schedule, it’s important to understand that flexibility is not just a trendy word; it’s often a lifeline for working moms. 

Remember, the key is to find a flexible work arrangement that aligns with your family’s needs, career aspirations, and your specific skills as an accountant.