Have you ever found yourself questioning who you are, what led you to your current point in life, or what you’d like to be “when you grow up”?  Maybe it’s because you’ve gone through a breakup, or your kids are grown and don’t need you as much, or you feel stagnant in your current job or career choice.

Have you ever achieved a goal that you were going after or a level of success that you wanted, only to discover that they no longer bring the satisfaction they once did?  Or maybe you’re at a crossroads, wondering what’s next?

I’ll never forget the moment I started working at Ernst & Young many years ago; I had the parking spot, my own office, and had almost doubled my previous salary at Deloitte, but something was off.  I had achieved the brass ring, finally having what I thought I really wanted, but when I got it, I discovered it wasn’t what I wanted.

At the time, my grandmother had just passed away, and I was beginning to ask myself some of the big life questions – what I am here for, what is my purpose, and what do I want to be doing with my life?

Has that ever happened to you?  Whether it was something big or small, you come to a point where you start questioning what led you here and where you want to go.

Do you catch yourself daydreaming about pursuing an entirely different career path? Maybe you’re considering going it alone or even shifting to a new career.  

Or has life thrown you a curveball, introducing new needs and expectations? When this happens, you might consider taking a new path that better aligns with your evolving circumstances.

While the concept of reinvention may sound exciting, the reality and process of transforming yourself can also be overwhelming, which might make you hesitate to do anything.  Your brain might think it’s safer to stick with what you know than to try something new and change how you see yourself. 

But here’s the thing: despite its challenges, the path to reinvention holds the potential for true empowerment.  The truth is that you’re never stuck if you don’t want to be.

This week I’m going to discuss the power of reinventing yourself and 5 steps you can take to reinvent yourself.


The power of reinventing yourself

Many of the accountant moms I have the pleasure of coaching or speaking to often share their struggles with fear and uncertainty, particularly when confronted with the idea of making significant changes in their lives, whether on a personal or professional level.  We’ve all had those moments of “Am I sure this is right for me?”

The thing is, the concept of “reinvention” has become popular over the years, but it can also carry a scary or overwhelming connotation. For many of us, the idea of reinventing ourselves can seem stressful and challenging.

We might be at a crossroads where we’re considering reinventing ourselves, but the mountain to achieve it appears daunting. However, it’s essential to recognize that it doesn’t have to feel overwhelming.

Here’s the thing—when we consider the idea of reinvention, some of us perceive it as completely discarding the “old”—giving up past roles, experiences, and even our work identity—and replacing them with something entirely new.

Thankfully, this view of reinventing yourself isn’t entirely accurate.

The true power of reinvention lies in our ability to incorporate every experience we’ve had—the triumphs, the setbacks, and the lessons learned along the way. It’s about tapping into the skills, insights, and expertise we’ve gained, whether we consciously acknowledge them or not. 

Thankfully, reinventing yourself doesn’t mean you need to start from scratch and create an entirely new persona.  It’s about building upon the foundation of your past experiences and using them to propel you forward.

No matter what’s driving you to want to reinvent yourself, it’s important to embrace the idea of growth and change.  It’s about approaching each day with an open mind, welcoming opportunities for growth, and taking small steps toward the vision you want to achieve. 

Let me share some examples:

Let’s say you have worked in the same industry for many years but feel unfulfilled in your current role. Instead of completely abandoning your past experiences, you could leverage your skills and knowledge to transition into a new field that aligns better with your passions and interests. 

For example, I’ve been reinventing myself over the years as I became a Professional Certified Coach for Accountants. I am so successful at coaching other accountants because I can leverage my skills and knowledge as a CPA for over 30 years to help others have easier careers.  

Or let’s say you’ve been a stay-at-home mom and have decided to return to school or return to a job outside the home after taking a break from your career to raise children. Rather than viewing your past years as time wasted, you can draw upon the valuable skills you developed while managing a household and caring for your family. 

For example, I’ve coached a number of accountant moms who decided to take a break while their kids were young and then reentered the workforce once their kids were in school full-time.  They were able to see how their skills in managing a household could translate to leadership positions at their new jobs.

Or maybe you’ve had dreams of entrepreneurship but lack experience in running a business. Instead of viewing your lack of entrepreneurial background as a problem, you can leverage your existing expertise and network to start your own firm. 

For example, the CPA MOMS franchisees have all reinvented themselves by learning how to have their own firms after being employees.  They’re now successful entrepreneurs supporting other accountant moms looking to reinvent themselves as well.

Or maybe you’ve faced significant setbacks or challenges in your personal life, such as a divorce or health crisis. Rather than allowing these experiences to define you negatively, you can harness the resilience and strength you gained from overcoming adversity.

For example, when I first got certified as a life coach many years ago, I decided I would start with being a divorce coach.  Since I had had a very challenging divorce and was able to handle it with grace and dignity, I wanted to help other women deal with their divorces as well.  

Hopefully, these examples demonstrate that reinvention doesn’t necessarily mean abandoning your past entirely but rather embracing it as a foundation upon which to build a brighter, more fulfilling future. 


5 steps to reinvent yourself


If you are interested in reinventing yourself, don’t worry; it doesn’t always require giant leaps.  You can start with small, deliberate steps or, if you’re ready, bold, daring moves. 

Here are 5 steps for reinventing yourself in both your professional and personal life: 

Step #1 – Make a List – If you’re feeling stuck, take a moment to envision what you want your career and life to look like.  Begin creating a list of your goals and aspirations.  Where do you see your life 1, 5, 10 years from now?  What do you want for yourself and your family?  Imagine your ideal life and put it into writing.

For example, imagine being a successful entrepreneur running your own business with flexible hours that allow you to spend more time with your family.  Or maybe you picture yourself in a leadership role within your current company, changing the narrative for other working moms and making a meaningful impact on your industry.

Step #2 – Get Clear About What You’ve Been Putting Off – Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but never got around to?  What have you been not taking action on out of fear, confusion, or overwhelm?  What have you been passionate about in the past that you’ve since let fall to the wayside?  Reflect on your past passions and consider taking a leap of faith.  

For example, maybe you’ve always dreamed of learning a new language but never committed to it due to other priorities and now could be the time to enroll in a language course.  Or perhaps you’ve had a desire to volunteer for a cause close to your heart but have hesitated due to a busy schedule; now might be the time to take the leap and start giving back to your community.

Step #3 – Start Something New – Are there things that you’d like to try that are new to you?  Are there things others are doing that you wish you could do?  What’s been pulling at you, but you’ve made excuses about things like there’s never enough time, or it’s too expensive?  Explore new opportunities to push yourself out of your comfort zone.  Embrace the chance to start something new and all the opportunities that are possible.  

For example, consider signing up for dance classes to explore a new form of physical activity, whether it’s salsa, tango, or hip-hop.  Or you might want to explore the world of entrepreneurship by attending workshops, scheduling a call to discuss the CPA MOMS franchise opportunity, or networking events in your area, allowing you to launch a side hustle or small business.

Step #4 – Consider a Career Shift – Are you feeling stuck in your current job? No matter how long you’ve been doing what you’re currently doing, have you considered exploring other career options, even within accounting?  Begin by assessing your strengths and interests using tools like the StrengthsFinder assessment or the renowned book “What Color is Your Parachute?” Recognize your ability to consider a carer shift at any time that aligns with who you are or who you’re looking to become.

For example, if you excel in problem-solving and enjoy working with people, a career in consulting or human resources might be a good fit.  Or you could research industries or roles that offer opportunities for growth and advancement, like if you’re passionate about sustainability, consider transitioning to a career in renewable energy or environmental conservation.

Step #5 – Pay Attention To Resistance – When you think about reinventing yourself, do you experience resistance?  What are the excuses your brain is telling you about why it’s not possible or why it won’t happen?  As author Steven Pressfield explains, resistance often stands between our lived and unlived lives. Whether you’re dreaming of writing a book or launching a business, resistance often shows up as fear, uncertainty, or self-doubt, and it’s completely normal.  Embrace the discomfort. Remember, resistance is a sign that you’re on the right track toward reinventing yourself.

For example, challenge negative thoughts and beliefs by reframing them in a more positive light, and instead of focusing on potential obstacles, visualize the possibilities and opportunities.  Also, surround yourself with supportive friends, family members, or mentors who can offer encouragement and guidance as you navigate through resistance. Remember that you’re not alone, and every step you take towards reinventing yourself brings you closer to realizing your dreams.

Hopefully, these five steps offer a guide for you to begin reinventing yourself and taking action toward the life you truly want. By embracing change, confronting resistance, and staying true to your dreams, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your potential for success. 

So, seize the opportunity to go after a more fulfilling and purposeful life.  You never know what might be possible.

The truth is that you get decide at any point what you want to be when you grow up.  




While the concept of reinvention may sound exciting, the reality and process of transforming yourself can also be overwhelming, which might make you hesitate to do anything.  

But here’s the thing: despite its challenges, the path to reinvention holds the potential for true empowerment.  The truth is that you’re never stuck if you don’t want to be.