Today, I want to talk about that frustrating feeling when you have big goals, ambitious projects, and endless to-do lists, but somehow, you just can’t seem to get the motivation to get going. Ever felt that way? I know I have!

Picture this: You’ve got a project at work or in your business that you’re passionate about, but you find yourself stuck in a cycle of procrastination and inaction. Or maybe it’s those never-ending home improvement projects that keep getting pushed to the bottom of your list. 

No matter what it is, this episode is for you because we’re going to unpack why it happens and, more importantly, how to break free from this cycle.  I was listening to a fellow coach, Jody Moore’s podcast and thought her episode on the topic of why you aren’t taking action would be incredibly beneficial for the CPA MOMS Podcast audience.

Whether you’re a working mom juggling a career and family or a mompreneur building your own business, these insights will hit home. Yet, even if your life doesn’t neatly fit into these categories, you’ll still find valuable takeaways because inaction is a universal experience.

By the end of this episode, you’ll be armed with the knowledge and mindset to break free from the issues with procrastination and embrace a proactive, action-oriented approach. So, grab your favorite spot, perhaps a pen and notepad, and get ready to explore the psychology behind why we sometimes hesitate and, more importantly, how we can overcome it.

Whether you’re looking to launch a new project, embark on a business endeavor, or conquer that towering to-do list, you’ll discover strategies that will help you reignite your motivation. My goal is to help you shift from the familiar “I’ll do it later” mentality to a powerful “I’m doing it now” attitude.

But here’s the key: This episode isn’t just about your work or business. It’s about your life in its entirety. These insights can be applied to any endeavor, from personal growth to home improvements. 

If you’ve ever wondered why it’s challenging to take action when you know you should, this episode will be your guiding light. I want to empower you to change that “I’ll do it later” into a resounding “I’m doing it now.” 

This week I’m going to discuss the seven barriers to taking action and what you can do about each of them.   


Barrier #1 – Too important or not important enough


Throughout this episode, I’m going to identify the barriers that hold us back from taking action. Now, this can apply to various areas of our lives, from work projects to home tasks and everything in between, but today, we’re zooming in on why this can be especially challenging for us working moms.

So, let’s start by unraveling the mystery of why we sometimes find ourselves stuck in the “I’ll do it later” zone. The main culprits here are our thoughts and feelings. 

You see, it’s like a chain reaction. Our circumstances trigger our thoughts, these thoughts create feelings, and those feelings then fuel our actions – or inaction, if that’s the case.

Now, the interesting part is that this isn’t a unique puzzle for each of us. We’re all in this together. 

Over my years of coaching and working with many clients, I’ve discovered that there are seven common categories that most people fall into when it comes to not taking action. 

These categories apply to working moms, entrepreneurs, and everyone in between because, well, we’re all human beings, and our brains tend to work in similar patterns.

The first common barrier to action is that sometimes we make the thing we’re trying to achieve either too important or not important enough. Imagine you’re working on a project, whether it’s for your job or your own business, and you’re thinking, “This has to be a massive success, or I’m a failure.” 

Or, on the flip side, you might be thinking, “It doesn’t really matter, I don’t need this.” It’s like we’re teetering between “life and death” importance or “whatever, it’s just a hobby.”

But here’s the golden middle ground: Your project or goal doesn’t have to be life or death, and it certainly doesn’t have to be a throwaway notion. 

It’s about finding that balance. It’s about saying, “I’m committed to this, and it’s worth my time and effort, but if things don’t go as planned, it’s okay, I’m not less of a person.”

So, the first barrier is about finding that sweet spot, that Goldilocks zone of importance. When you do, you’ll be amazed at how it can set you free to take action without the heavy pressure of unrealistic expectations.

Now, I know that resonates with many of us. It’s not easy finding that balance, but it’s a game-changer when we do. So, let’s keep this in mind as we move forward and explore more barriers to action, and, most importantly, how to overcome them.


Barrier #2 – Waiting to feel like it


Now, let’s talk about a pretty common issue that many of us face – waiting to feel like doing something before we actually do it. It’s like our brain plays a little trick on us, saying, “Hey, you can’t tackle that task right now; you’re not in the mood.”

You know the feeling, right? You’ve got a to-do list as long as your arm, and there’s that one task that you’ve been avoiding because, well, you just don’t feel like it. 

Maybe it’s a work project, maybe it’s something at home, but the root of the problem is the same – waiting for the stars to align and magically make you “feel like it.”

So, here’s the thing, waiting to feel like it is a bit of a trap. Because the truth is, there are a gazillion things in life that we do every day, whether we “feel like it” or not. Take changing a messy diaper, for example. Does anyone ever “feel like it”? No way! But you do it because it needs to be done.

Now, you might be thinking, “Okay, sure, but changing a diaper is different.” And you’re absolutely right. But here’s the key: You don’t need to feel like doing something to do it. In fact, most of the time, motivation follows action, not the other way around.

So, the next time you find yourself thinking, “I don’t feel like working on this project right now,” remember that it’s normal, but it doesn’t have to dictate your actions. Remind yourself that you’re not entitled to “feel like it” all the time. Tell yourself, “I’m going to do it even though I don’t feel like it.”

It’s like a little victory dance waiting to happen because once you get through that task, you’ll look back and say, “I’m so glad I did that even when I didn’t feel like it.” 

Taking action, even when you’re not in the mood, can be incredibly empowering. Dive in and get things done, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.


Barrier #3 – Playing the short game


Now, let’s tackle a problem that many of us face when it comes to taking action: playing the short game. What does that mean? Well, it’s all about expecting quick results and immediate success. 

We live in a world of instant gratification, and sometimes, we forget that achieving significant goals often takes time and persistence. You see, it’s a bit like expecting to plant a seed today and have a towering tree tomorrow. Unfortunately, the real world doesn’t work that way, and that’s where we often get tripped up.

So, what’s the solution? It’s to embrace what we call the “long game.” Instead of focusing solely on immediate outcomes, shift your perspective to a more extended timeframe. Understand that many worthwhile things in life, whether it’s a successful career, a thriving business, or even personal growth, require time and patience.

Think about it like this: You remember the story of the tortoise and the hare, right? The tortoise, slow and steady, ultimately wins the race. The hare, all quick and flashy, loses momentum and gets left behind. That’s the essence of playing the long game.

So, when you’re working on a project or striving for a goal, don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Keep in mind that every small step you take is like nurturing that tree sapling. With consistent effort and a focus on the long game, you’ll find yourself achieving more than you ever thought possible.

Just remember, success isn’t always about the fastest sprinter. Sometimes, it’s about the marathon runner who keeps going, one step at a time. Embracing the long game can be the key to breaking free from the shackles of inaction and making substantial progress. So, stay patient, stay persistent, and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.


Barrier #4 – Making it about you


The fourth barrier that could be holding you back is making it all about you. This is something many of us are guilty of, especially in the world of work and business.

Imagine this: You’ve got an important presentation to give, or you’re working on a project, and your thoughts start to sound like a broken record. “Will they like me? What if they think I don’t know what I’m talking about? What if I mess up? What if, what if, what if…”

This is where the issue arises. When you make it all about yourself, it can be paralyzing. The fear of judgment, the desire to be liked, or the pressure to be perfect starts to weigh you down. It’s like carrying a heavy backpack full of self-doubt and worries.

So what’s the solution?  Shift the focus away from yourself and onto the people you’re trying to help or the bigger purpose you’re serving.  Instead of wondering, “Will they like me?”, ask yourself, “How can I best serve them?”

When you make it about the impact you’re making on others, it’s a game-changer. You’re no longer tangled up in your own worries and insecurities. You become empowered to deliver value, share your knowledge, and help others.

Here’s the thing – when you focus on helping others or contributing to a greater cause, you’ll often find that the worries about being liked or perfect start to fade away. You’ll be too busy making a real difference.

So, the next time you catch yourself making it all about you, pause and shift your mindset. Remember, you’re not the star of the show; it’s about the people you’re helping and the positive impact you can create. By doing that, you’ll find taking action becomes a whole lot easier, and your fears and insecurities lose their grip on you.


Barrier #5 – Indulging in indulgent emotions


For this barrier to taking action, imagine you have a task on your to-do list, and instead of diving in, you find yourself trapped in a whirlwind of emotions. You’re indecisive, confused, and overwhelmed. These emotions are what I call “indulgent emotions.”

The issue is that we often indulge in these emotions, giving ourselves a free pass to procrastinate. It’s as if we’re stuck in the quicksand of our feelings, unable to move forward.

So what’s the solution?  The first step is to recognize that these feelings are not facts; they are simply emotions. Indecision, confusion, and overwhelm are common roadblocks, but they don’t have to hold you back.

Instead of letting these emotions control you, try this: When you catch yourself in a swirl of indecision, ask, “What’s the next step I can take?” When confusion creeps in, tell yourself, “I can choose to be clear on this.” And when you’re overwhelmed, take a deep breath and say, “I can handle this one step at a time.”

You have the power to redirect your thoughts and emotions. It’s like switching the tracks on a train. By acknowledging that you can choose not to indulge in these feelings, you regain control over your actions.

So, the next time you feel indecision, confusion, or overwhelm trying to take over, remember that you have the ability to recognize and redirect those emotions. Once you do, you’ll find it much easier to take action and move past these barriers. Don’t let indulgent emotions hold you back from achieving your goals.


Barrier #6 – Fear of rejection or failure


This is a classic roadblock that can paralyze us. It’s like a menacing shadow that looms over our actions, making us hesitate, doubt ourselves, and second-guess our decisions.

You might think, “What if people don’t like what I’m doing?” or “What if I put in all this effort and it doesn’t work out?” These worries can be incredibly stifling and keep us from taking the steps we need to reach our goals.

The solution here is a mindset shift. Instead of viewing rejection and failure as the end of the road, see them as stepping stones on your path to success. Embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow.

Rejection and failure are not a reflection of your worth. They are part of the journey, the process of refining your skills and getting closer to your objectives. Remember, no one who has ever achieved something great did so without facing rejection or experiencing setbacks.

So, the next time fear of rejection or failure creeps in, tell yourself, “It’s okay to be rejected; it’s okay to fail.” These are not the end of your story; they are chapters in your book of progress. By embracing rejection and learning from failure, you can take a huge leap towards overcoming this common barrier to taking action.


Barrier #7 – Lack of clarity


The last sneaky issue that often leads to inaction is a lack of clarity. This is like trying to navigate through a dense fog; you’re not quite sure where you’re going, and it’s tough to take action when you don’t have a clear direction.

Picture this: You have a project in front of you, but it’s so ambiguous that you’re not sure where to start. Or maybe you’re working on a personal goal, but you haven’t defined the steps to get there. This lack of clarity can be a major roadblock.

The solution is to break things down into manageable steps. Clarity often comes when you take a complex task and break it into smaller, more achievable parts.

Start by asking yourself, “What’s the first step?” Then, create a list of sequential actions that lead you to your goal. This way, you’re not overwhelmed by the big picture, and you know exactly what to focus on at each stage.

Imagine you’re trying to put together a piece of furniture. It can be confusing and frustrating when you have a pile of parts and a vague instruction manual. But when you break it down step by step, it becomes doable.

So, the next time you’re faced with a lack of clarity, don’t let it paralyze you. Instead, take a deep breath, break it down into manageable steps, and start with that first, clear action. You’ll find that taking action becomes much easier when you have a roadmap to follow.

So as I wrap this episode up, just know that as working moms, we often face various challenges and roadblocks that can hinder our ability to take action, both in our professional and personal lives. However, understanding these common issues and implementing practical solutions can make a significant difference in our ability to move forward and achieve our goals.

Let me just summarize the 7 barriers and the solution for each:

  1. Too Important or Not Important Enough: The key here is to find that middle ground, that sweet spot where the task is important enough to inspire you but not so important that it becomes paralyzing.
  2. Waiting to Feel Like It: Don’t wait for motivation to strike; take action even when you don’t “feel like it.”
  3. Playing the Short Game: Embrace the long game and focus on consistent progress rather than immediate results.
  4. Making It About You: Shift your focus from self-doubt and insecurities to the positive impact you can have on others.
  5. Indulging in Indulgent Emotions: Recognize and redirect feelings of indecision, confusion, and overwhelm to regain control.
  6. Fear of Rejection or Failure: Embrace rejection and see failure as a learning opportunity on your journey to success.
  7. Lack of Clarity: Break tasks and goals into manageable steps to eliminate confusion and overwhelm.


By addressing these issues and applying the provided solutions, you can gain more control over your actions, reduce feelings of being stuck, and make significant progress in both your career and personal life. 

Remember, taking action, even in the face of these common challenges, is a key ingredient in your path to success. So, keep moving forward, keep learning, and keep growing. You’ve got this!



My goal is to help you shift from the familiar “I’ll do it later” mentality to a powerful “I’m doing it now” attitude.

But here’s the key: This episode isn’t just about your work or business. It’s about your life in its entirety. These insights can be applied to any endeavor, from personal growth to home improvements.