I cannot believe I have been doing this podcast for 300 weeks and that it’s had over 90,000 downloads!  It’s been incredible to be able to research, write, record, edit, and produce a podcast every single week for almost 6 years.

I looked back and saw that I did a Best of The CPA MOMS Podcast episode for #119, but I never thought I’d get to do another one for episode #300.

One of my favorite things about doing this podcast each week is hearing from listeners like you about how much you love the podcast or how helpful it’s been on your own accountant mom’s journey.  That has been one of my greatest gifts – knowing that I’m making a positive impact on your lives.

For this episode, I decided to look at the most downloaded episodes. It was so much fun to go down memory lane and see which episodes resonated with you all the most.

Once I had a list of the most popular episodes, I decided that listening to each episode was great, but if you don’t act on the information, it’s not as helpful as it could be. As I always tell my coaching clients, knowledge isn’t power; applied knowledge is power.

So today, I want to help you apply what you learn in each episode by offering you questions to consider for each of the most popular episodes.  This is not an episode to just listen to; it’s an episode that will help you apply what you’re learning in a way you probably haven’t done before.

This episode will be different than in the past, and hopefully, it will spark something in you going forward because I’m going to start adding some questions at the end of each episode from now on so you can take each episode deeper.  The truth is, I want this podcast to be your go-to resource, but I also want you to take some action based on what you’ve learned.

Passively listening is fine, but taking action on what you hear in each episode is empowering.

This week, I’m going to summarize the most popular episodes and share questions for each episode so that you can explore what you learn further.

Note – you can click on the title of each episode to listen or read the full show notes.



Episode #1 – Why The Future Of Accounting Is Female

This inaugural episode was all about the challenges we face and how accounting has changed over the years.  It explains that looking at numbers alone doesn’t show the whole story of how women are doing in the accounting profession.  

The other thing I mentioned in this episode is that more and more women are starting their own businesses and they want accountants who understand them because they care about making a difference as well as making money. The truth is that female accountants already have skills that match this new way of doing business.

After listening or re-listening to this episode, here are some questions for you to answer:

Based on your experience, have you noticed an increase in the number of women in the accounting field? How has this impacted the workplace culture in your firm or industry?

Why do you think more women are starting their own businesses and seeking help from accountants?  Do you think female accountants can support them better?

How do you keep yourself thinking positively when things get tough, whether at work or in your personal life?


Episode #22 – How Gossip Affects Your Brain


In this episode I explored why we gossip, how it affects our brain, and offered strategies to curtail gossiping habits. Basically, gossiping is a negative behavior that stems from seeking momentary pleasure but ultimately leads to feelings of regret.

When gossip has become a habit, your brain is looking for more things in the world that are negative because that’s the filter you’ve told it is important to you.  Before you know it your brain continuously shows you what’s wrong or negative about your own life as well.

The most important thing is to notice how you are feeling before you participate in gossip.  What is the emotion that is driving you to talk about another person?

If you are feeling love or true concern before you talk about another person, then you are not gossiping.  However, if you are feeling bored, annoyed or insecure before you share details about another person, you are gossiping.  The bottom line is, be aware of what you’re feelings before you gossip; that will tell you everything you need to know.

After listening or re-listening to this episode, here are some questions for you to answer:

Reflect on a recent situation where you participated in gossip. What emotions were you feeling just before this occurred? Can you identify any specific triggers or patterns that lead you to gossip?

Have you ever experienced regret or discomfort after participating in gossip? How did it affect your perception of yourself and your relationships?

Reflecting on your social circles, do you notice any relationships that are primarily fueled by gossip? How might you shift these dynamics to foster more positive connections?


#59 – Accountants and Anxiety


The episode tackles the issue of anxiety among accountants, particularly focusing on us working moms and how it’s connected to our problem-solving accountant brains. It highlights the common theme of mental health issues in the accounting profession and the normalization of anxiety. 

It also encourages you to acknowledge and manage anxiety effectively by leveraging your accountant brain. I also shared some personal stories and strategies to empower you to take control of your mental well-being.

After listening or re-listening to this episode, here are some questions for you to answer:

Think about a time when you felt anxious at work or at home. What were the circumstances, and what immediate actions did you take to manage your anxiety? Were these actions effective?

Do you resonate with the idea of feeling pressured to be a superhero in your story, especially as a working mom? How might this expectation contribute to feelings of anxiety?

Reflecting on your own experiences, can you recall a time when you successfully managed your anxiety? What strategies did you use, and how did they make you feel?


Episode #108 – How Accountant Moms Can Create More Time


The topic of time management is something that I’ve covered a lot on this podcast, but this particular episode’s main message is to redefine your relationship with time and understand how to make more of it. 

I explained that overwhelm and perfectionism are some of our biggest time wasters and I offered a practical approach to creating more time, called GPA: Get items out of your brain, Put it on the calendar, and Assess your follow-through. 

By implementing these steps, you can reclaim control over your time and achieve a better balance between work and life.

After listening or re-listening to this episode, here are some questions for you to answer:

How would you describe your current relationship with time using a metaphor (e.g., a demanding boss, a supportive friend)? How does this perception affect your daily time management and overall productivity?

Have you noticed yourself falling into the traps of overwhelm or perfectionism when managing your time? How do these tendencies affect your productivity and well-being?

What steps can you take to implement the GPA system in your daily routine? How do you envision this approach helping you create more time and achieve a better balance in your life?


#121 – How To Have A Stress-Free Tax Season


I’ve accomplished many things in my life, including being a CPA now for over 30 years, raising two amazing children, and writing and publishing my book, “The Smarter Accountant,” but I think one of my greatest accomplishments has been being able to have stress-free tax seasons for years.

In this episode, I challenge the notion that stress is an inevitable part of the job and offer insights into significantly reducing stress levels. I also explain three secrets for achieving a stress-free busy season.

First, you have to be open to the possibility of a stress-free work life. Second, it’s easier than you think.  Third, the skill of managing your mind is the key.  

By applying these secrets, you can enjoy a healthier work-life balance, even during tax season.  

After listening or re-listening to this episode, here are some questions for you to answer:

During the last tax season or busier season for you, what specific stressors did you encounter? Do you think implementing stress management techniques discussed in the episode could help reduce these stressors in the future?

What are your reasons for wanting to reduce stress in your professional life? How can envisioning a stress-free life help you overcome resistance to change?

Have you ever tried techniques for managing your mind to reduce stress? How might learning this skill improve your productivity and overall well-being during busy times?


Episode #149 – How To Handle Jealousy and Envy


In this episode I talk about the common experiences of jealousy and envy among women.  I also explain the distinction between jealousy, arising from the fear of losing something, and envy, stemming from the desire for something someone else has. 

I discuss the connection between self-confidence and these emotions, emphasizing that while building self-esteem can alleviate jealousy, it doesn’t necessarily eliminate envy.   I also offer strategies to manage jealousy and envy effectively, emphasizing the power of controlling your thoughts to create more happiness and contentment.

After listening or re-listening to this episode, here are some questions for you to answer:

Recall a recent situation where you felt jealous or envious. What specific event triggered these feelings, and what were your immediate thoughts and reactions? How did you address these emotions?

How has societal pressure influenced your perceptions of success, beauty, and worthiness, contributing to feelings of jealousy or envy?

Consider a time when you successfully managed feelings of jealousy or envy. What strategies did you employ to shift your perspective and regain control over your emotions?


#209 – Doing Less Without The Guilt


In this episode I talked about the societal pressure on working moms to constantly add tasks and responsibilities without considering the benefits of doing less.  I discussed challenging the cultural norm of equating productivity with busyness and advocated for a shift towards subtraction rather than addition. 

I also discussed a Harvard Business Review article that emphasizes the importance of doing less to enhance productivity, happiness, and overall well-being. 

After listening or re-listening to this episode, here are some questions for you to answer:

Review your current daily routine. Are there specific tasks or responsibilities you’ve taken on that may not be necessary? How do these extra tasks affect your stress levels and overall well-being?


Consider a recent situation where you felt guilty about removing a task or responsibility from your plate. What thoughts or beliefs contributed to this guilt? How can you reframe your mindset to view subtraction as a positive step toward productivity and happiness?

Imagine implementing a “NOT to-do” list in your life. What tasks or activities would you include on this list, and how would removing them contribute to a sense of peace and spaciousness in your daily life?


Episode #253 – Tips On Staying Organized As An Accountant Mom


In this episode I talked about the essential strategies for accountant moms to thrive amidst the chaos, emphasizing the power of planning, streamlining workspaces, efficient time management, and overcoming common pitfalls. 

I also offered practical tips and insights, helping you to unlock the secrets of maintaining harmony in both your professional and personal life.  If you’re ready to reclaim control over your time and create some calm in the midst of chaos, this episode is for you.

After listening or re-listening to this episode, here are some questions for you to answer:

Think about your current planning and goal-setting methods. What are some specific strategies you can adopt to improve your organizational skills and create a more effective roadmap for balancing professional and personal responsibilities?

Consider the state of your workspace, both physical and digital. How does the organization of your workspace impact your productivity and overall well-being? What changes can you implement to streamline your workspace and create a conducive environment for focus and efficiency?

Evaluate your current time management practices. Are you prioritizing tasks effectively and setting aside time for both work and family commitments? How can you integrate principles of efficient time management into your daily routine to align with your brain’s natural tendencies and enhance productivity?


Okay, that’s what I have for you.  I hope you’ve not only gotten a lot out of the 300 episodes of this podcast, but that you’ll take my advice and dive a little deeper with the questions I’ve offered.

Again, knowledge isn’t power; applied knowledge is power.  And I want you to be as empowered as you possibly can as you handle being both an accountant and a mom.


Questions to consider:


How can I start actively participating in podcasts instead of just listening, and how might this help me as an accountant mom?

How can I make sure I’m using what I learn from podcasts in my everyday life as an accountant mom?

Which tips and ideas from this episode do I relate to the most, and how can I start using them to tackle my challenges and achieve my goals?