
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed molestie, velit ut eleifend sollicitudin, neque orci tempor nulla, id sagittis nisi ante nec arcu.
Managing Flexible Work Arrangements

Managing Flexible Work Arrangements

In today's world, it's not just about the typical nine-to-five job anymore. For us working moms, finding the right balance between job and family is really important to us. Being a working mom means juggling many things – your job, taking care of your home, and...

Work-Life Integration

Work-Life Integration

Today, I’m going to explore a topic that speaks to the hearts of countless working moms: work-life integration. As accountant moms, we face the unique challenge of balancing a demanding career with the responsibilities of motherhood. Work-life integration is a concept...

Creating a Side Hustle

Creating a Side Hustle

Let me start by asking you a few questions - have you ever considered starting a side hustle? What's holding you back? Do you currently have a side hustle, or have you had one in the past? What are your passions and skills inside and outside of accounting? As...

Managing Flexible Work Arrangements

Managing Flexible Work Arrangements

Here’s a question on the minds of many working moms: Can we really "Have It All"? Is it just a fantasy or something achievable? We know that being a mom and having a job can be quite a challenge. It's like trying to balance on a seesaw, making sure both sides stay...

How To Stop People-Pleasing

How To Stop People-Pleasing

Being a working mom is like juggling multiple full-time jobs at once - you're managing your career, nurturing your family, maintaining friendships, and attempting to squeeze in some self-care along the way. Amidst this chaotic juggling act, we often fall into the trap...

Improving Your Self-Discipline

Improving Your Self-Discipline

Imagine this: You're juggling a career, a family, and countless responsibilities, all while striving to carve out a bit of time for your personal growth and well-being.  I know you don’t even have to imagine it because you’re probably living it. The daily hustle and...

How To Be A Better Problem Solver

How To Be A Better Problem Solver

As accountant moms, we often navigate a unique landscape, trying to seamlessly transition from crunching numbers to caring for our loved ones. The challenges we deal with are distinctive, requiring skills that extend beyond the realm of traditional accounting.  This...

Is It Time To Quit?

Is It Time To Quit?

Let me start by asking you a question - when you read the title of this episode, “Is It Time To Quit?” what immediately came to mind?  Was it quitting your job or was it something else that came to mind? The interesting thing is that when I came up with the idea for...

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